Drama.....bodies...and oh look more bodies!

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Your pov:
We rushed into the block and to one of the tables.they sat the wounded person down. And hershel hurriedly wobbled in with medical supplies. He went to the patient amd looked at her wound. I looked away nervously. Hoping we could save her. I cant handle another death right now i still recovering from the last two.
Hershel came over to me and put his hand and whispered.

"She's bit, cant be saved."

I looked over to her with sorrowful eyes.i was searching for the words searching for how i could say this to strangers in the nicest way possible. If there even was an easy way to say it.

"Uh you four seem like good people but she's bit and we cant risk her turning." I said trying to ease the pain of their future loss.

"What do you have in mind?" The same tall black man asked.

"I think its best that we put her down before she turns."

"Put her down???!?!shes not a fucking animal shes human!!"

"I'm sorry forgive me for my choice of words but people change at different rates if we with she can change at any moment." I said trying to remain calm.

"Shes still breathing!!!!its basically murder!!"

"Well the more you let her stay there the more she suffers that wound isbt getting any better!!" I shouted.

"Do it!!" The wounded one shouted looking me dead in the eyes.
The other three gasped.looking at her in complete shock.

"Tiana no!!" The scrawny tan guy yelled.

"It hurt ted i cant take it and i dont wanna become wanna those things!please just end it all now."

"No.Tiana i cant."

"If you cant than just let me.give me the gun itll be a quick painless death."


She pulled the gun off her holster and put the gun ti her head without hesitation she fired the. Bullet.

"Noooooo!!!!" The tan one screamed. He held her lifeless body close and began crying. He stopped his crying and took the gun out and


He pulled the trigger on himself.

"This is all your fault!!!!" The tall black man screamed.

"She was going to die either way and you know it!!thats just how it is in this world!!" Mark yelled. The tall buff black guy shot him a look of anger but then came to realize hes right then looked away.

"Im sorry for your losses we can wrap there bodies and prepare a funeral for them." I said in a gentle tone.

"That'd be nice thank you for your consideration in our time of grieving."
The black woman said in a sad but sentimental tone.

"My name's (y/n)." I said sticking out my hand.

She shook it. "Im Sasha and this is Tyreese."

"Nice to meet you both. Rick can you please show them a cell they can stay in while we go looking for wade and shane?"

"Yea." Rick said.

"Guys this is rick hell show you around while me and a few go look for our missing people."

They nodded and followed rick.
Carl came up to me cute kid i remember him fanboying when he met mark.

"(Y/n) can i come help find shane?" He asked.

"Kiddo its nice of you to ask but you should stay here and look after your mom while your dad gives the new members a tour."

He nodded sadly he really waned to help look for that bastard,

I crouched down to his level.

"Hey kid ill try to find an action figure or something for ya while im out and if i cant find any then." I motioned him to come closer so i can whisper."we can go raid uncle Sean's bunk for some cookies." I whispered.

"I heard that!!" Sean yelled

Carl and i giggled. I rubbed carls head.

"Ill be back kiddo."

Sean,mark,thomas and i went looking for them from dusk until dawn. With no luck. How could they just disappear like that. They couldnt have gotten that far on foot.!!We soon headed back to the prison.

"Sean can you just give carl a cookie i dont want to disappoint the little fella."

"Okay." Sean said in a sad voice. He playfully pouted,

"Dont pout brother ill draw a portrait of you as a reward." I said playfully with a British accent.

"Ohhhhhh!!!" Sean cheered like a little kid.

Mark continued to drive us back to the prison. The apocalypse has really changed this man. He went from being joyfull ,funny to serious and dull.

Sean gave carl a few cookies.and i was tired but decided to take watch tonight and no one was going to tell me otherwise. I was tired and i honestly haven't slept since wade left. But i wont rest until we have at least a hint of where shane and wade is.

Everyday was the same process do chores and go looking for wade and shane.

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