Why cant peace last?!!?! prt.2

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Your pov:
My eyes shoot open.i grab my gun. And run outside. Everyone was in panic.
"What happened?!!!?" I yelled.

"I dont know i heard a scream and came down here as fast as i could!!!" Rick said.

"Wait a minute where's wade?!" Jack asked.(say that really fast and it sounds like youre saying jackass xp.)

"Hes in the watch tower!" We rushed to the watch tower and the stairs we covered in blood.

"Where's shane?!" I asked in panic.

Everyone went there separate ways to find him and no luck.
Wade's gone.there is blood on the steps of the watch tower he was in and shane is missing as well i can only jump to one conclusion.shane killed him.

"Oh my god." I breathing heavily.
'I shouldn't have let him do watch for tonight.'
'This is my fault.'
'I didn't keep him safe.'
'I had one job to keep everyone safe i failed. I began to cry,
"This is my fault,i didnt keep him safe!!"

"(Y/n) what are you saying?" Mark asked,

"Mark dont play dumb, you do the math. A manly scream + a bloody staircase to the watchtower where wade was located+ missing shane and wade means a jealous shane killed wade!!"

"Why would he be jealous?!?!" Rick asked.

"Because lately ive been spending a lot of time with wade and earlier today when we went on he run he tried to get me to have sex with him!he tried so hard until i got him to back off!"

"How'd you get him to back off?" Jack asked.

"I told him that if he tried anything id tell rick that him and laury slept together before rick found the camp."

Rick looked back at laury in disbelief and laury gave me a look of shock.

"Is that true laury?" Rick asked hurt.
Laury couldnt reply.

"Rick I-i shane told me you were dead and i-"

"You thought i was dead but you thought it was still ok to sleep with my best friend?!?!?"
"Rick im sorry."

"Save it Laury!!" Rick yelled.

"Look you guys can argue later but right now my friend is probably dead ive lost enough people already if i lose one more ill lose it can we please discuss a game plan.?!!!"

"(Y/n)!!!!" Mark yelled. I looked in his direction and he was opening the gate for 4 people one of them looked injured.

"Really mark?!?" I yelled i ran towards him.he shrugged.

"We have someone injured can you please help?!!" A bulky,stalky built black man asked.

"Yea follow me!!" I said."hershel!!" I yelled.

To be continued.....

A/n:muahahha oh how i love doing cliff hangers
Who are these people?
Are they trusty?
Whats with the wounded person?
How bad is the wound?
Will the person even live?
Where Shane?
Did shane really kill wade?
Is wade even dead?

You will find out in the next update....
Lus ya bai!!!

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