Oh my stars...

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A year and a half later.....

Your pov:
After that day...
Mark was never the same man i knew. He was always serious,dull mundane,demanding, and all around just not himself.

His eyes lost that beautiful glimmer of hope and joy. It was gone. Now all you could see was anger and seriousness in his eyes. Its honestly a bit scary but after traveling with him all this time. I've learned to get used to it. He's grown a full on beard as well if you were a friend from three years ago you never would've known it was him. I miss him . The old him.
Anyways lets get back to present time.
Mark and i were walking,searching for another shelter i suggested we stay in the abandoned house we stayed in yesterday  for a little while longer he only said...
"We have to keep going."
Nowadays i don't bother trying to argue with him. I just shut up and follow his lead.

We walk until we come across a condemned hotel.
"We should stay here its getting dark and we don't need to be walking in the dark." Mark sighed.

"Alright you can set up and ill go catch us from grub."

"No!you stay here ill go hunting."


"You can handle these three walkers by yourself yes?" He asked putting his knife on his holster.

I nodded yes.

"Great ill be back and if I'm not back.tomorrow morning you keep walking." He said walking off.

"If I'm not back tomorrow morning you keep walking neh neh neh meh meh meh." I mimicked mark.
Sean's pov:
(Oh mah gahd sean!!)
I was walking and Alexandria was miles away from here. It getting really dark and i decided to stay at an abandoned hotel nearby i always passed it while hunting. When i arrived i seen a fire light coming from the center. Snuck around the back to try to get a closer look at who was inside.when i got close i couldn't believe who it was. I had to get closer for conformation, When i got close i stepped on a twig.

Your pov:

I took out the walkers no problem and set up a fire. Then awaited marks arrival all while feeling myself dosing off from the long three day nonstop walk.
I heard a twig break and instantly become more alert.
Then came the rustling of leaves.
"Mark if this is another one of your stupid inane test I'm tired as hell right now from my three day walk give me. A fucking. Break!!" I scream in anger.

Out came a guy in a hoodie charging toward me with his fist screaming. I grab his wrist and body slam him. He immediately got up and started throwing punches at me. Coming really close but gladly failing. I tried to charge toward him but slipped on walker goo. He thought he had the final laugh. Until i tripped his ass and got him in a headlock.

"Take that ya bastard!!"

"Good god lady i just wanted a place to stay till i can reach my group!!" A familiar Irish accent called out.


"Depends whos askin?!"

I let go of him and he turned around.

"(Y-y/n)" sean began to get teary eyed and so did i.

"Sean." I hugged him tightly.

"I thought id never see you again!!" He cried.

"I thought you were dead!mark and i both thought you were dead!!"

"You seen the prison."

"Yea it was sad, i had a vision for that place yknow?"

"I know im sorry i couldnt do anything to save it."

"Its ok, it was just a building but youre alive did anyone else make it?!"

"Everyone else made it i made sure to get everyone out of the prison before making my escape."

I put my hand on his cheek then pulled him in for another hug."you are such a brother,"
"And youre such a strong little lady i tell ya that how the hell did you get me in a fucking headlock with your legs?!"

"Mark and i came across this martial artist who took time to teach us the ways of karate before mark demanded we leave."

"Marks with you where is he?!" He asked looking around frantically.

"He went hunting he should be back soon."

" i cant wait to see him i missed you guys so much!!"

"Trust me we missed you guys as well mark and thought you were dead."

"Well im not i hope the others are alive as well.i made them leave first so they pretty much were far ahead of me and i basically split from the group.oh i also got your sketchbook with me. He took off his backpack and took out my sketchbook."i kept it with me and looked at the drawings when i got bored."

He gave it to me."oh my gosh thank you soo much!!" I hugged him.

I heard a gun cock. I looked in the direction of the sound to see mark with his aim at sean. When sean turned around to face mark. He lowered the gun.


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