Chapter 11: Next stop, Doubts

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Jokers Gilbert and Peter are ready to set their plan into action. It was a simple plan really, Peter just needed to check on it and that results to his disappearances. Last night, the young Joker explains the plan and they both agreed they will be commencing it the morning after.

Joker Gilbert still feels a bit off about this, the three were just innocent, good kids. But if he was going to keep his reputation as a Joker, he has to do this. But...Sakura.... He shakes his head before he could think more and more of the girl that continues to haunt his mind.

Maybe after they do this, he will go hit on some girl to go forget about Sakura.

Yeah, he will do just that.

"Look, the mountains are just up ahead." Minori points out, brushing against the leaves and branches. The others follow her gaze, indeed the rocky planes of the mountains are a few meters away, they look menacing and dark against the morning sun.

"Well that's great!" Satoshi was happy, they're going home soon.

"Very great..." Peter smirks beside Gilbert who gives him a fake smile but looks away to frown and look towards to Sakura who was joyously looking at Minori with a smile.

Once they were out of the forest area, the three all suddenly stepped onto Peter's trap.

"Gah!" The Jokers heard them scream in confusion.

The hole that Peter made was hidden under a few grasses and a net to act as a camouflage was the trap.

"How the heck did this get here?" Minori groans as she stands, followed by Sakura and Satoshi being helped up by his eldest sister and the three look up.

"Hehehe, you all fell down in my trap, nice meeting ya!" Peter spats on their faces, looking down at them like they were the lower beings who can be pushed around and toyed with.

"Are you trying to prank us Peter? Well this isn't funny!" Satoshi scowls a bit. "Nah I'm not, we're betraying you for making us pushed around by those royalty scums!" Peter talks back and cackling like an evil child.

"Gilbert, is this true?!" Sakura calls out to the older one who was looking at them grimly. "...Yes." Gilbert then turns away, he was in shame but he cannot let her look at him like this, she was looking up to him with a face of confused betrayal look.

" jerks!" Minori yells, her voice echoing

"Bye bye~!" Peter then follows Gilbert, skipping happily and humming.

The oldest of the two Jokers just looks up ahead, they retraced back their steps, the two never seemed to care about the long way back to any of the kingdoms, they could crash in the Kingdom of Clubs this time so Gilbert can mess with Jack Roderich.

His heart feels heavy.

Is it because of guilt?


"Well...this was stupid." Minori speaks up, poking on a patch of soil.

They just sat there in silence for a few minutes, it seemed that it was long time after the two Jokers betrayed them.

"Hey, we set off to this journey to get home, it's not like they were trustable in the first place anyway." Satoshi says. "I thought he was trustable..." Sakura mumbles, she seems bad about trusting them so easily, what kind of person was she to be fooled?

Minori sighs, patting Sakura's back. "You can get mad all you want once we get home." Sakura looks up and smiles, they all have each other now, they don't need some people to guide them in this cruel world.

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