Chapter 4: Satoshi and the Diamond Castle

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A/N: Yesh! Finally a new update! Sorry, I was all out of inspirations last time *sweat drops*

Enjoy~! ^_____^



When I opened my eyes the first thing I noticed is why am I in a garden?

“My, my what’s a young man doing in my castle?” I heard a woman talking to me; I turned around to see a woman with short blond hair with a purple ribbon on the right side of her hair.

She looks familiar….SO familiar I just can’t get my finger on it.

“The Queen of Diamonds just asked you question! Speak up!” I jumped at the sudden commandment. A man appeared beside the woman, he looked like the woman, just the male version.

“I-I don’t know how did I get here, sir! I mean your highness!” I replied loudly, scrambling up and bowing like that guy from the anime that Minori-onee chan watched…what was that anime again…? Black Butler? Yeah, I think that’s it.

“My…that’s strange…” The woman said, tilting her head to the side. The guy pointed his weapon at me. “He must be a spy, my sister! Do not be fooled!”

“A-Ah! I’m not a spy!” I defended. Wish I was one though :3 wait, sister?!

“Oh dear brother….” She sighed then she smiled at me. “Good day to you, young man. I’m the Queen of Diamonds, Queen Lili.”

I blinked. I thought that if I know her name I know where I knew her somewhere but I still don’t know where I’ve met her -_-

She told me to follow her in the castle and tell her everything how I got here, her brother kept glaring at me just like how Minori onee-chan glared at me. Maybe I should call me Minori #2….yeah I freaking corny -_-

Her castle’s pretty big and ORANGE; I looked at it in awe. Queen Lili told me to wear some new clothes; Minori #2 (well sorry, I don’t know his name!) escorted me to a quest room, got me clothes and left the room.

As I continued to wear the new clothes, I got worried about my sisters. I wonder where are they now?

I wore clothes that have mainly the color of orange and white. (A/N: I’m too lazy to tell what he’s wearing… -_-) As if on cue, Minori #2 came in and told me that he’s going to escort me to the Queen.

I can’t help but wonder what his name is so I asked him. “So, uh, what’s your name?”

He looked at me, glaring. “Vash.”

I tried not to laugh. Vash? What kind of name is that?

We finally made it to the throne room and saw Queen Lili, she admired my clothes and the throne room is ORANGE, seriously, they’re really a fan of orange….

“Ohonhonhonhon~! Who’s that, my Queen?” I heard a male’s voice, I turned around to see…..


France blinked. “France? Is that what you call me?”

“But you are France!” I countered, ignoring the hissing and the worried comments from Vash and Queen Lili.

France just chuckled. “Ohonhonhon~! I’m sorry, boy but that’s not my name~! It’s King Francis, the King of the Diamonds~!”

Wait what? O_O Wherever you are sis….GET UR BUTT I HERE AND TELL ME WHAT GOING ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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