Chapter 3: When did things get so....crack all of the sudden?

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A/N: Please forgive me for I suck at fancy language


Meanwhile with Sakura….

Sakura groaned as she opened her eyes. She saw guards in armor with clubs designs; she sat straight on the floor, shocked.

A man walked through the crowd; he has a curl standing up, brown hair and purple eyes under square shaped glasses. He was wearing green with club designs. “Who are you and what are doing in the Kingdom of Clubs?!” He shouted; anger in his voice.

Sakura flinched, eyes widened. The man looks familiar…

“Roderich you’re scaring her!” A woman with a curl sticking out on the right side of her hair, three white flowers on the left side of her hair also went through the crowd and suddenly hugged Sakura.

Sakura’s eyes widened. ‘Is this PHILIPPINES?!’ She mentally gasped. She literally looked like Philippines in the drawing that Minori showed her, just minus the curl sticking out on the right side.

“You must be not in this world po! I’m Maria Clara, the ace of the Clubs!” She introduced herself, standing up and pulling Sakura up. “I-I’m Sakura….” Said girl replied, confused eyes still on the Filipina Ace.

‘How could a fictional character be here? Is this a dream..?’ Sakura thought. She then pinched herself. “Ouch!” She exclaimed in pain. “Wha-Why are you doing that po?” Maria Clara gasped. “T-This isn’t a dream?! But you’re not real!” Sakura said, pointing with a shaking finger at the ace.

“You seemed stressed po. The Queen is going to make you feel relaxed po. Come with me, she’s in the garden po.” Maria Clara grabbed hold of Sakura’s hand and dragged her to the place.

Jack Roderich stood there for a few good minutes and told the guards to go back to their respective places and he then followed the two girls.

The two girls soon reached a path with club designed bushes on the sides and the path is decorated with cream colored tiles. They walked on the path till they stood in front of an entry way, vines tangled in them.

They both got in. Sakura gasped at the sight in front of her. Tress that blocked a few sunlight, the birds chirped. Flowers bloomed, bees getting pollen from them. She gasped in awe.

“My Queen!” The Filipina bowed and Sakura hastily followed, bowing in front of a brunette with flowers on the right side of her hair, wearing a crown and green and black clubs designed clothes, sitting on a glass table, drinking tea. “Ah, hello Maria. I see you brought a friend…” The woman turned to the two, putting her teacup down to smile at them.

“She’s not from our world po!” Maria exclaimed getting up and Sakura followed, she glared at the Filipina. ‘How could she be fine with this?’ She mentally asked herself.

“Oh dear! We must inform Queen Arthur about this, he knows what to do with you my dear!” The queen exclaimed, getting up from the chair and grabbed hold both of Sakura’s hands. ‘Wait, did she just say QUEEN ARTHUR?! How can a guy be a queen?’

“You can call me Sakura, my Queen.” Sakura spoke to her softly, placing a genuine smile on her angelic face. “Oh how can I forget my manners! I’m Queen Elizaveta, Queen of the Clubs!”

After the exchanging of introductions, Maria escorted Sakura to her room while Queen Elizaveta went to the throne room to inform the King.

“Sakura! Jack Roderich brought clothes for you po!” Maria exclaimed, going in the guest room where Sakura is temporarily staying. Said girl turned to her. “T-Thank you!” She thanked the Ace then went to bathroom to change.

“You look so beautiful po!” Maria commented once Sakura came out of the bathroom. She was wearing a green dress that reached her ankles. Black club designs went around the hem of her skirt, a black ribbon tied around the white collar of her neck.

“T-Thanks, Maria…” Sakura replied, twirling around to check it. “No problem!”

Maria then escorted Sakura to the throne room, the most common colors Sakura found in the throne room is black and green. “Oh Sakura, I’m glad you’re here to join us!” Queen Elizaveta rushed to her, grabbing both of the said girl’s hands.

“And my! You look so beautiful in the dress!” She then commented, making Sakura turn to check the back side.

“Welcome to the Kingdom of Clubs, Sakura….” A man said. Sakura turned around to see a white haired man smiling at her as dark aura seeped out of him; it scared the heck out of her.

“Become one with Mother Ivan da?” He continued, leaning closer to Sakura. “EHHHHHHH!?!?!??!?” Sakura screamed. Queen Elizaveta pushed the man back. “I apologize for my husband’s actions. He had this habit to tell that to everyone he meets…” She said.

“Oh…w-wait, he’s your husband?!” Sakura’s eyes widened. Maria whispered at Sakura’s ear. “I know right! I sometimes think King Ivan is controlling the queen's mind…”

Sakura looked at the couple, the queen was scolding him as the king just smiled. To Sakura, the two looked completely opposite and yet they are married.

When did things get so…..crack all of the sudden?     

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