Chapter 7: Solution

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“Entering the rulers of the Kingdom of Hearts, King Ludwig and Queen Kiku!” Jack of the Hearts, Feliciano, exclaimed. The said people stride in as Minori glanced at her brother who tried to contain his laughter, her sister sweat-dropped at this then glanced at Sakura whose eyes were widened.

“Probably shocked of Japan being the queen….” Minori thought.

“We know zhe solution to zhis problem!” King Ludwig barked out in his German accent. (A/N: I suck at writing accents ._.)

“And what would that be?” Queen Arthur asked, raising one thick brow.

“It can only be zhe work of zhe….Mischievous Witch…”

The widening of eyes and groans filled the room.

“I should’ve known…..” Queen Arthur massaged his nose in annoyance. “Ohonhonhon~ It’s been a long while since we see her~” King France said thoughtfully, smiling.

The Hearts looked at the three siblings who immediately greeted them.

“Ve~ Ciao bellas and bello~! They look so much alike, King Ludwig~!” Jack Feliciano said to King Ludwig, waving at the siblings.

King Ludwig sweat-dropped. “Yes, I know….” He then glanced at Satoshi who is STILL trying to contain his laughter. “Vhy are you laughing?”

Minori jumped. “Fruk…..” She cursed mentally before answering for her brother. “He’s just smiling King Ludwig! That we already found the solution!”

“Okay then….” The king said. Then suddenly Sakura whispered. “We should get off of their seats….”

“Eh? Oh, shiz, we forgot!” I whispered back and Satoshi heard that too.They all immediately stood up and offered their seats.

“Ve~ I forgot they’ve taken our seats~ Grazie~!” Jack Feliciano said, leading King Ludwig and Queen Kiku to their seats. King Ludwig was blushing in embarrassment for not knowing that the three took their seats.

“Do you know how to find her, King Ludwig?” King Ivan asked.

“Ve find zhe Jokers, ve find zhe Witch.”


A/N: Yay! Finally the solution to the problem! Who is it that you ask? You'll find it out sooner!

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