Chapter 1: Not an ordinary deck of cards...

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“I’M SOOOOOOOOOOOOO BORED MINORI ONEE-CHAN~~~!!!!!!” Satoshi Shizuno whined. Said girl remained silent, watching anime in her laptop.

The two Shizuno  siblings are currently in Minori’s room in one boring afternoon.

“Just go play with the Ipad…” Minori replied; eyes still glued to the screen.

“Dad banned me remember?”


Satoshi walked closer to Minori. “Please one-chan…”





“Ugh! Fine!” Minori growled as she shut down her laptop and closed it. “Let’s make sis join too, just in case….”

Satoshi skipped to Sakura’s room. “Whatever!” The two younger siblings walked in their older sister’s room. “Guys, what are you doing here? I thought I told you NOT to go in my room!” Sakura said, on the bed with her laptop.

“Bro wants to play….” Minori said, not really interested in playing either.

“WITH CARDS!” Satoshi said, raising a deck of cards.

“Cards? Really bro?” Minori scoffed.

“What? All of our board games are broken so let’s play Go Fish!” Satoshi replied.

“Ugh…..” Minori rolled her eyes. “Please Sakura one-chan; we won’t bother you after we play one round!” Satoshi then begged. “AND you won’t bother me too!” Minori yelled at her brother. “Yeah, yeah. I know!”

Sakura looked at the two for a while. Sighing as she shut down her laptop and closed it. “Okay, let’s play in the living room….”

“YAY~!” Satoshi then rushed out of the room, not noticing the deck of cards glowing as he ran.


“Okay….we’re all settled!” Satoshi exclaimed. The three siblings are currently sitting on the floor of the living room, along with the deck of cards and snacks to occupy them as they play. “Whatever, let’s just get this over with!” Minori said.

“Okay!” Satoshi said, grabbing the deck of cards and passes one to each of them. After passing some, Satoshi grabbed the first card, a trump diamond card.

Minori, in the same time, grabbed her first card, a trump spade card.

Sakura also grabbed her first card, a trump clubs card.

Suddenly, the three cards glowed, causing the siblings to be in shocked. Everything started glowing white around them then they found themselves in a portal!

“What the heck?!” Minori shouted in shock. “What the hell is happening?!” Satoshi screamed. Sakura tried to stop them from panicking. “Guys, stop panicking!”

Suddenly, something was forcing the three siblings to be separated. “SIS!” Minori then grabbed hold of Sakura’s arm. “Onee-chan!” Satoshi grabbed hold of Minori’s ankle. “I can’t hold much longer!” Satoshi said, then he let go, screaming.


“BRO!!!!!!” Minori cried, hand trying to grab her brother.

Sakura felt Minori’s hand slipping off her arm. “Minori, don’t let go!” But Minori can’t hold much longer, she ended up being pulled by the unknown force.


“MINORI!!!!!” Sakura cried out as the unknown force pulled her farther away from her sister and brother.

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