Chapter 5: Getting Back

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The Spades, Clubs, and the Diamonds kingdom are going to meet up to discuss about the sudden appearance of humans from another dimension, the siblings are waiting anxiously to see each other again….


Minori is currently in a carriage to somewhere Queen Arthur called the Kingdom Gathering place. Her eyes watching outside the window, her leg shaking. She’s excited to see her siblings again.

“So, tell me something about your siblings…” Queen Arthur suddenly spoke, causing the girl to slightly jump.

“Oh, um….” Her mind started drifting to the eldest of the three. “The oldest of us three, is Sakura, who is really polite and well-mannered.” She smiled, remembering how Sakura makes she and her brother laugh with her jokes.

“And my little brother, the youngest, is Satoshi who…..really seems similar to King Alfred actually…” Minori said in thought, remembering times when Satoshi really annoys her.

“Really?!” The King exclaimed as the Queen’s eye twitched in annoyance. “Perhaps we have something in common then, Minori….” The Queen said.

Minori just smiled.

King Alfred then glanced at his right side and told Minori. “We’re here!” The girl looked at window to see a large castle, with the colors blue, orange, green and red, the 4 card symbols shining brightly on the tips of the castle triangle roofs.

Minori stared at it in awe as the carriage moved in, stopping just close to the front gate. She saw two other carriages already there, an orange and a green one. She knew before that the two kingdoms found her siblings.

“We have arrived, your Highnesses.” Lukas (Minori almost freaked out when she saw Norway), the Ace of the Spades, informed from his spot on the driver’s seat. He climbed down and opened the door, Minori jumped out first, really excited to see her brother and sister again.

Yao escorted them, climbing the stairs and entering the castle. Minori gasped in awe, the inside was majestic!

But she was more focused at seeing her siblings.

They walked the hallway (Minori tried not to run), and stopped in front of a large mahogany colored door. Yao opened it, saying in a loud sturdy voice. “Entering, King Alfred, Queen Arthur of the Spades and Minori aru!”

Minori first saw Sakura clad in green, she immediately ran to her. “Sakura one-chan~!!!!”


They both hugged tightly. “Hey, don’t forget about me!” They both turned to Satoshi clad in orange. They grabbed Satoshi and hugged together tightly once more.

“Oh my! You three looked exactly alike!” Queen Lili exclaimed, hand on mouth.

Minori turned to her, shocked. “Is that, Liechtenstein?”

“Now,” Queen Arthur suddenly spoke. “Let’s discuss about this sudden appearance.”

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