Chapter 2: The Kingdom of Spades and...why is there USUK?!

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The sun is shining brightly, birds on the branches of nearby tress chirped merrily, creating a peaceful scene in the garden.

A blonde man in blue smiled, closing his eyes as he listened to the peaceful sound around him. “Ah~ Another wonderful day in the Kingdom of Spades isn’t it, Flying Mint Bunny?” The man spoke, turning to his green-minty colored companion who nuzzled his cheek in response.

He smiled at this, sipping his tea and looking up to the blue sky. “What could go bad on a wonderful day like this?” He asked to himself.

“Queen Arthur!” A palace guard cried out, running to his side and kneeled down. Said man’s green eyes glared at the guard. “What is it?!” He snapped, he didn’t want anybody bothering his tea time.

The guard flinched as he looked up to the queen. “We have a problem in the magic laboratory, my Queen…” The queen’s eyes widened. “You are requested to go there immediately.” With that, he ran to the magic laboratory.


“Good morning, Your Highness!”

“What a beautiful day is it, King Alfred!”

“Good day, King Alfred!”

Said man smiled and waved at his people. King Alfred is currently walking in the village, he loved visiting the village to check if anything is okay and the such. He stopped in a nearby flower shop, taking a sniff in one of the red roses. “You raise these flowers wonderfully ma’am!” King Alfred complimented. “Why, thank you my King!” The old woman behind the counter blushed as she smiled. The king took the rose and paid for it. “The Queen will love this!” He said to himself, walking away from the flower shop.

“MY KING!” A palace guard cried. The said man turned back, seeing the palace guard below himself. “What brings you here, man?” King Alfred asked, raising an eyebrow. The guard looked up to the king, sweat adored his face. “We have a problem back at the castle, my King! You are informed to be in the magic laboratory!” King Alfred ran without a word back to the castle.


“Am I…..dead…?” Minori thought then she opened one eye to see metallic shoes in front of her. “W-W-Where am I?”

“She’s stirring! She’s awake!” A voice reached her ears as spears that has sharp spade shaped ends pointed at Minori. Said girl jerked up, shocked to see guards in blue and spades designs surrounded her. Queen Arthur glared down to Minori.

Minori looked closer then her eyes widened. “Is that….England?”

Suddenly another man walked to Queen Arthur’s side, he has brown hair tied, brown eyes and is also wearing blue with spades designs. “Is that CHINA?!”

“You are in The Kingdom of Spades territory aru! Who are you and how did you get in here aru?!” China started yelling at Minori who flinched at the tone of his voice. “What the heck? The Kingdom of Spades?! Where the hell am I?!” Minori gulped and tried not to stammer her next words. “I’m Minori and I have NO IDEA HOW DID I GET IN HERE!”

The guards were about to drag her to prison when the queen raised his hand to stop. “I sense magic in the air moments ago…” He then walked to Minori, kneeling to her level. “You’re not from this world are you?” Minori’s eyes widened. “YEAH I AIN’T! I mean… yes, I’m not from here….” She said, shyly looking at another direction.

“DUDES! AM I LATE?!” Another familiar voice reached Minori’s ears; she peeked over England’s shoulder to see America, also wearing the same outfit as England. “You’re late.” England scowled at the king, glaring at him.

“Sorry Iggy! I won’t do that again!” America replied; his usual smile pasted on his face. “DON’T CALL ME IGGY!” Minori and some other guards snickered. “Alfred, this is Minori, who claims that she is not from our world.” England then introduced the said girl to the king. “Hey! A new guest! Let’s invite her over to dinner!”

“Whatever, Alfred.” England then stood up. “I want the guards to return back to their original places. King Alfred and I had some matters to discuss.” “Wait, KING ALFRED?!”

Before walking away alongside with the king, Queen Arthur turned to the Jack. “Yao, I want you to escort Minori to her room and let her change into something….more like our world…” Minori then looked down to her clothes. All she was wearing was a red hoodie, blue loose pants and running shoes then looked up to England sheepishly smiling and rubbing the back of her neck.

In the guest room….

Jack Yao brought Minori some clothes. “Here aru.” With that, he walked outside to wait for Minori to finish.

After a few minutes, Minori went out of the guest room, slightly irritated that she is wearing a long blue dress, a black ribbon tied around her waist and on the neck part, white knee socks with spades design and black boots.

“Hey, Mr. Yao. I have a question.” Minori asked Yao who is showing her around the castle. “And what that would be, Minori aru?” “If Alfred was the King of the Spades so Arthur is….?”

Jack Yao just blinked before answering her question. “Arthur is the Queen of the Spades.” “Wait what?!” Minori blinked rapidly then she suddenly….


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