Chapter 12: The Witching End

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They all went up the seemingly endless flight of stairs, their boots and shoes cracking and thudding against the rocky-slabs. "So uhm, what made you guys come back?" Satoshi asks in a hushed voice.

"..." The two Jokers glanced at each other with a blank look and then a smirk and a chuckle follows. "We couldn't find people like you to hang out with after all." Peter says, mischief filling his eyes to blind the slight guilt forming there.

The three siblings shared a chuckle and giggles at their answer, they were truly happy that they came back after all. Gilbert feels like there was so much yet to say for Sakura though as he keeps on staring at her back as she was leading her siblings.

When it seems like forever, they finally saw the end of the stairway and now stood in two large doors, they were outlined by large overgrowing black thorns and vines.

The Jokers gave them the look of "We'll handle this." And with that, Gilbert and Peter stepped forward and...

Busted the door open.

"Salutations Julien~!" Gilbert's cheery voice echoes the large room. The siblings were in distraught. "What the h?!"

The room was like a lair filled with loads of stuff for witches and the magical lore, potions, books and relics of bones and dead animals were there.


A female's voice boomed from across the room, there was another doorway, though no door, just empty dark space to keep it mysterious. Gilbert was laughing to himself, followed by Peter while the siblings are just embarrassed.

The Witch finally gets out of the darkness of that room, out came the outfit, a style flashing of dark blue and velvet red, it looked dashing. To match the outfit, a huge hat with a crooked end, her waist hang a belt of assorted potions.

She has pure white skin as her hair was white, radiating brightly with the torches and lanterns around them. Her red eyes gleamed with such annoyance all directed to Joker Gilbert.

"Nyotalia!Prussia?!" Minori gasps, whispering to herself. "Wait she's a what?" Satoshi asks his sister via whisper and Sakura listens while a silent stare-off happens between the Witch and Joker.

"She's the genderbend of Prussia aka Gilbert." Minori explains to the two. Sakura's mouth formed an "o" No wonder they look so alike."

The stare-off ended with Nyotalia!Prussia sighing and closing her eyes in frustration. "And don't call me Julien, it's Julchen."

"Hehe, did you miss me Jul~?" Gilbert starts a conversation with a cocky eyebrow raise and ears and tail perking. "No."

"Did you miss me Miss Julchen~" Peter pipes in, floating a bit happily like an innocent child. "No." She turns around, her white hair whipping behind her as Peter falls dramatically to the floor with sobs.

"Whatever business you have here with me will not be entertained, I will now ask you to leave this place—"

"Even though you caused THIS kind of problem?" Gilbert motions the siblings forward as Julchen glances back and is a bit shocked to see the siblings.

"What did I do?" She implies.

"Well, it's your damn teleportation card deck again that you misplaced in the other dimension, which is their dimension." Gilbert explains. "We went to all kinds of trouble going to you to for just a spell to let them go home too."

Julchen frowns, she looks guilty. "Guess this can't be helped." She sighs in defeat. With the swipe of her hand, a book begins to fly away from its shelf and landed into her opened hands as it opens to the pages she wanted.

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