Chapter 6: Discussion

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All the kings and queens of the three kingdoms all sat on the long table, the Shizuno siblings sat together in the missing kingdom's seats who isn’t joined in this discussion.

“So, each of us found a human in our own kingdom, all saying that they went inside a portal, falling in to our dimension. Isn’t that right, Minori, Sakura, Satoshi?”

The three just nodded in response.

“Did any of your magic work, Queen Arthur?” Queen Elizabeta asked.

“It only deciphered the name of the spell, the Teleportation spell.” The said queen replied.

“Do you think….the Jokers are behind this?” The Jack of the Clubs, Roderich asked with slight irritation in his tone.

Vash smacked his fist on the table. “Now they’re just going too far!”

“Please calm down dear brother….” Queen Lili said.

“Gilbert and Peter wouldn’t go too far….” Queen Arthur said, messaging his now aching nose bridge.

Minori’s eyebrows went up. “Gilbert and Peter? As in Prussia and Sealand?”

“I bet they don’t know THAT much magic! Hahaha!” King Alfred exclaimed cheerfully.

“King Alfred has a good point…” King Ivan suddenly spoke up. “They’re too stupid for that kind of magic, what mischief would they make out of this?”

The others nodded in agreement.

Meanwhile, outside the castle, a carriage suddenly pulled up. A flag in red flapped in the wind.

“Then who would do this?” King Arthur asked.

A man with slicked back blonde hair wearing a crown, another man with black hair wearing a crown too, and one with a curl sticking out on the left climbed out of the carriage, the three walked straight in the castle.

“Can we just accept it that this is fate we have two pretty ladies in our dimension~?” King Francis winked at Sakura (who looked away in disgust) and Minori (whose eye twitched).

Queen Lili sweat-dropped at her husband as Vash tried to NOT kill the flirty man.

“Hey, what about me?!” Satoshi whined, feeling left out.

The man with blonde hair and his comrades stopped in front of the mahogany door, the copper haired man reached for the door.

“Can you try using your magic, Queen Arthur?” King Ivan asked.

“I can’t. The owner of the spell must be one to break it.” (1) Queen Arthur replied.

“Then who did this?” King Alfred asked.

BANG! Suddenly the door opened, revealing three men.

“Entering the rulers of the Kingdom of Hearts, King Ludwig and Queen Kiku!” A familiar voice exclaimed.

Minori and Satoshi knew that voice very well.


A/N: CLIFFHANGER! XD Sorry about that, gonna update somehow.


“I can’t. The owner of the spell must be one to break it.” – Some spells have this kind of cure, I maybe copied this from Fairy Tail or something… ._.


Characters to their respective owners

Cardverse!Hetalia characters- Himaruya Hidekaz

Fairy Tail- for the sentence

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