The Cop and The Drunk

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[Taylor's POV]

I shouldn't have been driving now.

I knew I was drunk as hell!

I am from a party with one of my friends, that had hooked me up with a guy.

But I left early! That Wiles guy is some kind of a jerk!

And I saw Gigi, my best friend, came to the party with my crush, Dianna.

Yeah. I had some girl crush going on here. I like boys, but I love girls!

So here I am, on my own, driving my way back home, drunk and mad!

There should've been someone here to help me stay awake while driving.

My eyes were kinda droopy.

I turned my radio on and turned the volume all the way up, in the hopes of keeping myself alert.

I felt like it was working, but the reality is that I was slowly drifting in between lanes as I was occasionally nodding off to sleep, endangering myself and everyone else on the road.

I keep on driving while I'm talking to myself.

Gigi was supposed to be my best friend, but still she's with Dianna.

Gigi knew I had a crush on that girl since the beginning of days but I had never gotten the nerve

to do anything about it, so Dianna should've been off limits.

As I was remembering what I had seen them doing in the bathroom earlier,

a pair of flashing blue and red lights appeared in my rearview mirror and I swore to myself, "Oh bloody hella fuck"!

I knew I am in deep trouble! I would never be able to convince the cop that I hadn't been drinking.

My parents would freak out!

They would take the car and ground me home for days!

Just thinking about it I wanted to die!

I eased off the road and into an old abandoned parking lot.

I felt my heart beating out of my chest.

[Karlie's POV]

I am on my work, patrolling the roads tonight.

The weather tonight is cold, so I had my windows down.

Eating a bag of cookies while my car parked on the side of the road.

I also had a good book that I'm reading, basically looking forward to a nice, long easy night.

But then my first traveler blew past me.

I saw the car speeding.

I turned on my overhead lights and pulled out.

The car I was chasing, slowed down as soon as she/ he got alerted.

The car stopped not far from an old abandoned parking lot.

I put on the loudspeaker in my car and said "Driver, please turn off your engine."

I waited and saw the headlights of the car go out. I sigh in relief.

Usually the driver is difficult and a violent one.

I checked the plate number and ran the plate on our patrol laptop.

The car was registered to a middle aged woman in a nearby suburb.

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