A Sad, Beautiful, Tragic Love Affair

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Year 2008.
The Swift family has a farm and they need farm helpers.

The Swift household consists of Papa Swift (Scott) , Mama Swift (Andrea), they have two children (Taylor and Austin).

Mr. Kurt Kloss, one of the helpers has a daughter named Karlie, who's helping too.

Taylor and Karlie met and they grew fond to each other.

As months go by, they fall more and more in love with each other.

One night, Karlie serenades Taylor on her porch.

Karlie kneeled in front of Taylor as she asked Tay to be her girlfriend.

Taylor said yes and they sealed it with a kiss.

when she said yes, they share their first kiss.

As the months go by, they grow to love each other more.

They kept it a secret. Both of their parents are against same sex relationships.

But as others say, no secrets are safe.

Both of their families found out and they separate them. The Swift family hired new workers while the Kloss family worked for the other farm.

This didn't make Tay and Kar gave up for their love.

They still sneak out at night and meet at their secret place.They plan their future full of happiness and joy.

After months of hiding, Tay's father found out their plan.

The two planned to elope that night, Karlie helped Taylor climbed down her window and they run into the woods.

Scott grabs his pistol. He is so mad that he run after them and a shot was fired.

Taylor stands there in shock as she saw Karlie suddenly fell down the ground.
Her breathing is shallow. Her hands on her bleeding chest.

Taylor knelt to the ground, crying so loud as she held Karlie's other hand.

Karlie's last words are "I love you, Taylor. May we meet again.".

Taylor shakes Karlie, trying to wake her beloved and try to make her speak again.
When Karlie did not respond, Taylor screamed, "Karlie! Please! Don't leave me! I love you so much!"

Suddenly she's pulled up. She looks up to see her father gripping her arm. Her father dragged her to their house, leaving Karlie's lifeless body. Tay is locked in her room. She was so heart broken that Taylor decided to take her own life. She thinks that in after life nothing can stop them.

After that day, neighbors said that they still see Taylor and Karlie on their favorite place on the farm every night. Or on Taylor's porch. Or on their secret hide out.

Karlie's helding up a guitar, serenading Taylor almost every night. And they laugh and talked about their future together. How they hold hands and say they love for each other.

Sometimes the scene would shift into the night Karlie and Taylor was running to elope and when Karlie got shot. Or when Tay was crying all by herself all day long and when the day she decided to drink poison so she can be with Karlie again.

The neighbors said its like they were watching Karlie and
Taylor's love story... a sad, beautiful, tragic love affair...

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