So It Goes...

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(Taylor's POV)

I met Karlie at a bar, she is a bartender. 

As soon as our eyes met, I feel like everything else around me disappeared.

She has this pair of ocean blue eyes that you will want to stare at her for eternity. Her body is fit that you will  have the urge to touch it. Her long, blonde hair falling sexily on her shoulders. She always wore her dark jeans and Nikes. 

I became a regular customer at that bar. Karlie is my favorite bartender, I mean, she's the only bartender that I want to pour my favorite drinks for me.

I started flirting with her when I knew that she is single. She's single and gorgeous, so I wouldn't pass the chance, even though I don't know if she'll like me too!!! 

It started with smiles and jokes then she opened up about her past relationship with a douche guy. She said her ex only used her to cover up his gayness to his family. 

I always checked her out every time she's serving other customers. She sometimes give me a smile that sparkle her eyes even more, whenever she caught me staring at her.

I always wait for her to finish her shift. I don't talk to anyone, I just watch her work. 

Tonight, I flirted with her the rest of the night. Whenever she handed me my drink, I make sure that our hands will brushed or I will playfully pinch her cheeks or the tip of her nose when she talk to me. As her shift ended, I walked her to her car. I looped my arm on hers and lean my head on her shoulder. Good thing that she's taller than me!

When we got to her car, she gave me the sweetest hug I ever had! Then she kissed my cheek and opened her car.

"I'll go home now, Tay. See you again tomorrow."

"Yeah drive safely, Kar. See you tomorrow." 

She smiled at me and both of us still not leaving. I don't know where I found the courage to walk towards her and kiss her lips. My heart jump with joy when she returned my kiss. We kissed for a while then we said goodnights.

"Good night, Kar."

"Good night, Tay."

She planted a kiss on my lips one more time before getting inside her car. I smile as I watch her drive her car away. I am so excited for tomorrow!


And our pieces fall
Right into place
Get caught up in the moments
Lipstick on your face
So it goes...
I'm yours to keep
And I'm yours to lose
You know I'm not a bad girl, but I
Do bad things with you
So it goes...

Come here, dressed in black now
So, so, so it goes
Scratches down your back now
So, so, so it goes  

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