The Game

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A couple headed to Big Sur where they planned to spend their free weekend together.

But when they got to their cabin, the perfect weather changed. A storm is brewing.

The blue eyed girl, Taylor, sadly sighed "This is not good. We'll be stuck here instead of camping outside."

Her friend Karlie hold her hand and said, "Relax babe. Maybe the weather would be good tomorrow? C'mon babe.

Lay here with me!"

Karlie raised her eyebrows suggestively as her eyes smiles to Taylor.

Taylor grabbed the TV remote control and flipped through the channels but there's no good show to watch.

She huffed and puffed annoyed. Karlie placed a hand on Taylor's back and tried to soothe her,

"Alright babe I guess we'll just have to entertain ourselves then?"

Karlie reached for her suitcase and draw out a Monopoly board game, "Check this out! Let's play Monopoly!"

Taylor pouted, "Oh babe, You know I hate that game. It's so boring and predictable. It's nothing like Scrabble!"

Karlie smiled, "Well, if it's boring...let's make it NOT boring! shall we?"

Taylor clapped her hands and said, "Yeah! yeah! We can do Strip Monopoly!!!"

Karlie set up the game board on the bed, placing it between her and Taylor.

The game started slowly, they lose money then getting some back, the other will get a property from the other then

vice versa.

This continued for quite some time, until Karlie gained some control.

Karlie laughed as she gained more properties than Taylor and Tay hasn't got enough money on her,

"ooohhh...Tay! I'm so good at this game!"

Taylor pouted, "This is so unfair!"

Eventually, Taylor realized she'll lose and this made her want to end the game early, "Karlie let's play another game!

I don't want this game anymore!"

Karlie laughed, "Nope! Not happening! We're playing until you're naked! That's what we agreed before we play, right?

Play until you're bare! Are you giving that up easily? Only losers do that Tay!"

Taylor's competitive side flipped on!, "Okay Karlie! Game On!"

The game went on.

Karlie still with her jeans and bra on, while Taylor only in her bra and panties.

Another round and Taylor lost her bra.

Her hands, trying to cover her breasts as she continued to play.

Karlie's eyes sneaking a view in front of her, she swallowed hard when Tay lost again and need to remove her panties.

Taylor stood up and slowly remove her panties.

Karlie gets up quickly and stand behind Taylor, "I win baby! So now let start a new game", she then gently rest her

hands on Taylor's hips.

She slowly pulled down Taylor's panties, her hands caressing her ass cheeks.

She tossed the panties aside, then her hands cupped Taylor's breasts from behind.

Taylor moaned with pleasure.

She then turned Taylor around to face her and they kissed, tongues moving past each other's lips.

Karlie squeezed Taylor's breasts. Then she bent down and took one in her mouth, sucking and licking its nipple.

She alternate between kissing Taylor's face, neck, and shoulders, and those luscious breasts.

Taylor helped Karlie remove her clothes.

Karlie propped herself up on the edge of the bed and opened her legs.

Taylor kneeled and starts sucking on Karlie's pussy.

Within seconds she had Karlie writhing in pleasure.

Karlie returned the favor and soon, Taylor was in ecstasy.

They locked in tight embrace, arms and legs entwined, as they keep kissing and caressing each other.

They fell asleep as the rain starts pouring down outside.

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