My Girl, Taylor

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I watched her from a distance, merged with the shadows. Watching with hawk eyes. Stalking. haha creepy? Not that much!

She knew me but I am shy. I don't know how to approach her now after we separate ways years ago.

I am back as her neighbor and she still doesn't know that.

She has grown up so different. After all these years, she grew up more beautiful than ever. I am her neighbor for eight years, from toddlers to teens. We always play in their backyard when we were kids. She was this tall girl with braces and eye glasses, while I am an awkward, taller than her and super slim kid.

Most of the kids bully her and I am always her saviour. The kids fear me. I think its because I am taller than everyone else, even the boys!

In young age, you can see that Taylor will turn out to be as beautiful as an angel, a unique aura different from others.

When I was seven and she was nine, I stole her first kiss.
We were playing husband and wife that time. For her it was a game, but for me, that's the reason I knew I like girls from then on.

A year after that, I told my parents that I want to marry Taylor. I want to be her husband for the rest of our lives. My parents just laughed at me and said, "Karlie this surprised us! You like girls?, you still both young. Maybe you will change what you want but whoever you chose we support you". That day I got my parents approval that I can love who I want. And I knew, I only want my girl, my Taylor.

I was devastated when I turned ten, my parents moved to another country. That's when me and Taylor lost connection. I still remembered her goodbye. She left a kiss on my cheeks while her tears cannot stop flowing from her eyes. I gave her my handkerchief, with my initials K.E.K. on it.
I hugged her goodbye. I want to leave a kiss on her lips, to taste those sweet lips once again, but I promised myself that next time I kiss her is the time I'll ask her to be my girl.

So here I am now, being creepy as ever! Walking behind her. Hiding in the shadows. Like a panther looking for its prey. I am still waiting for my courage to build up. When I was about to approach her, a drunkard blocked her way. Taylor got frightened. She was about to run but the guy gripped her wrists. Before the guy could even do more, I pulled him away from Taylor. The guy grabbed his pocket knife, but I learned some self defense.
I kicked his knife out of his hands. And we start punching each other.
He lost foot control after I gave him an uppercut.
So I gave him a roundhouse kick after that...and....wait for it....he spinned in mid air....then...he's down!!! I bowed after that,blowing kisses everywhere, like there's an audience.
Applause everyone! Muchas gracias! De nada!

Taylor looked at me like I am a lunatic. She stared at me, checking me out as I called the police. The police came, asked us some questions and they arrested the guy. After they left, Taylor hugged me and said thanks. She then get a handkerchief out of her jean pockets and dabbed it on the side of my lips. Oh! I am bleeding and I didn't feel it.
We stared at each other and she said, "those green eyes.there's no other person have green eyes like that. I know you didn't I?" She carresed my cheeks as she's trying to remember. I just shrugged and take her hand away from my face. I will just leave. She don't remember me anymore. I said goodbye to her once again but this time, heart broken.

"Hey wait up!!!You're Karlie!!! You're my Karlie! I missed you so much hubby"
She hugged me from behind. I turned around and see her smiling with tears in the corner of her eyes. Aw! My Taylor's such a cry baby! I leaned forward and kissed her.
"I missed you too wifey. I'm back. I will never leave your side again. Will you be my girl forever?"
Taylor jumped with joy and shouted for everyone in the neighborhood, "Hey guys! My Karlie came back! And I am her girl! Oh yes I am! I am her girl forever!"
People stare at us. Some laughed, some cheered for us and some look as if we're crazy lovers.
I carried her bridal style as we went home.

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