A Body Examination

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Taylor was one of those girls who was gorgeous, and she knew it.

She looked young to be a high school senior.

She's a guitarist, and a singer of a choir group.

She was always busy but still need to comply in school rules and regulations such as annual check ups.

Taylor had missed her appointment with their school nurse for their annual physical check-up several times.

She can't come up for a valid reason, that she could explain to the nurse.

The nurse, Karlie Kloss, is a fine brunette who looked good for her age, 32.

She's always sympathetic to the students.

She knew that senior students were always busy with the pressures of academics, sports and other things.

But the tests had to be done.

Taylor knocked at the door before she slightly opened it.

Karlie saw her and smiled, then said, "Oh hello there, Please come in."

Taylor timidly sat on the chair in front of Karlie's table and said, "Hi Nurse Kloss, I'm Taylor and I'm sorry I've missed too many appointments. I have so many ---"

Karlie interrupted her and said, "Hi Taylor! It's not a problem, I understand. The important thing now is you're here."

Karlie stood up and locked the door so that they can start the check up.

She instructed Taylor to go behind a screen and remove her blouse.

Taylor start removing her clothes then asked, "Nurse Kloss? Do you have a hanger for my blouse?"

Karlie answered, "Just put them over the edge of the screen, Taylor."

Taylor did what she was told.

Karlie picked up a rubber glove and a small white cylinder container.

She went to where Taylor was standing half nakedly with her undergarments and said, "Okay, we can start now Taylor."

Taylor smiled, clearly very uncomfortable.

She was standing in front of Karlie, her right arm covering her breasts, which is only covered with her bra.

Karlie noticed Taylor's shyness and can't help but to comment, "Wow! That's quite an adult lingerie collection you've got!"

Taylor blushed.

Karlie proceed to start her examination. She reached for her stethoscope in her pocket and said, "Arms at your side please."

Taylor looked down shyly, as she makes her arms moved sidewards.

Karlie pressed the cold stethoscope hard onto Taylor's chest, causing Taylor jumped slightly.

Karlie said, "Ooopps..sorry about that, cupcake. Please remove your bra, I'll inspect your breasts if there's any lumps.", then Karlie starts her way around Taylor's breasts.

Taylor's starts being aroused from the simple interaction. Her nipples began to harden.

Taylor turned red and Karlie chuckled and said, "Don't be embarrassed, cupcake. It's a very natural reaction. I've seen it happen before on other girls I've inspected."

Karlie liked to have a conversation so she asked, "Where are they from?"

Taylor answered confused, "hmmn..what?"

Karlie said, "Your lingerie. Where were they from?"

Taylor answered, "Victoria's Secret."

Karlie smiled, "Hmmn.., I thought so. I love Victoria Secret's collection! Okay, please remove your pants and panties, we need to check up your back as well."

Karlie put on her gloves and opened a container of vaseline then starts dabbing some of the gel on her gloves.

Taylor bent down for Karlie's inspection.

Karlie pushed a finger in Taylor's anus.

Taylor cried out in pain.

Karlie's concerned voice said, "I'm sorry cupcake, is this your first time?"

Taylor nodded.

Karlie wiggled her finger inside, making Taylor gasped.

Karlie grinned and said, "Hmmn.. so I guess you're still a virgin too? Daddy's little girl is a good girl huh?"

Suddenly Taylor felt other fingers softly rubbing the lips of her pussy.

Taylor shuddered.

Karlie comforted her and said, "Relax, cupcake"

Suddenly there was more pressure on Taylor's asshole. Karlie was trying to put another finger in.

Taylor gasped and tried to wiggle the fingers out.

Karlie spoke forcefully. "I said relax."

Taylor cry out in pain and pleasure as the second finger entered.

Taylor realized that what she's feeling right now was so wrong but feels so right?

Taylor moaned in pleasure when she felt Karlie's fingers slowly starting to move in and out of her.

Karlie noticed how moist Taylor's pussy became.

Both of them knew how much Taylor is enjoying this.

Karlie's other hand slowly rubbed Taylor's creamy, perfect ass, then moving up.

Taylor took a sharp breath in as she felt Karlie's hand on her breasts.

Karlie's hand hovered against one of Taylor's nipple and said, "Been harder than before, I see..You're a naughty girl, Taylor"

Karlie pushed another finger into Taylor's asshole without warning.

Taylor felt an orgasm building in her.

She felt so ... so aroused.

She moaned, "Ooohh... Nurse Karlie..."

Karlie was now pinching Taylor's nipples while pounding on her asshole.

Taylor felt she was on the edge and let out a loud moan.

Karlie gently slapped Taylor's ass, that pushed Taylor over the edge.

Taylor bit her lip and moaned, her body shaking with an orgasm like she had never had before.

Karlie's fingers still curling and moving inside Taylor's asshole.

When her high ended, Taylor gasped as she felt Karlie pulled her fingers out.

Karlie took off her glove, she dipped a finger on Taylor's dripping juices.

She put it in her mouth and said, "You're sweet.. the taste I've always looking for. Hmmnn. well,..Looks like we're done here. Well of course, I DID you, literally."

They both laughed and Karlie picked up Taylor's clothes and handed them to her.

Taylor get dressed and they bid goodbye.

She opened the door and she blushed before she left the room.

She blushed because she heard Karlie quietly said, "I hoped that you would be back soon."

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