Undercover Agent Kloss

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--- this is for @LadnaFarah

This is yor request :D Hope you like it :D


[Karlie's POV]

I am Agent Karlie Elizabeth Kloss, an undercover agent.

I was looking into some drug deals and gang activity.

A drug dealer named, Taylor Alison Swift, had gotten under my radar.

She looks so good natured, polite and a decent woman.

She's so fucking gorgeous that you wouldn't believe she's part of something wrong.

One night I stalked Taylor to a secluded club with no name.

I got through the club without suspicion.

This club has a secret underground basement.

I kept following her at a hallway until out of nowhere, she pushed one of the mirrors and slid open to reveal a room.

Three guards were on the inside.

I quickly traced my footsteps behind and out of the bar.

I need to ready up a plan before entering this club again.

But atleast now I know, I need to be close to that Taylor so I could enter the secured underground place.

It took me months before I gained Taylor's and the other Mafia boss's trust.

Sometimes I bring goods to her or a present from my 'other MAFIA boss'.

Tonight, I gave her a present. My boss gave a gorgeous blonde girl, named Martha, for a present.

On other occasion, Taylor's bodyguards only gets the present from me then they were the ones who would handle it to Taylor, but this time,

they entered the secret passageway with me and the present blondie.

I shivered at the coldness inside, I didn't know what to expect to see.

We had entered what looked like an ordinary living room, with a fireplace and a mini library case.

Taylor's sitting right in the center, with a naked brunette positioned between her knees, eating her out.

But Taylor seems not enjoying it.

My eyes got wide for the moment. I did not expect a scenario like this! I thought there would be armed men all over the room with crates of drugs!

Taylor's cold blue eyes stared at me, checking me out then stared on the blondie beside me, a questioning look on her face.

I coughed a little then said, "For you, another present from my boss."

She leaned down and whispered something to the girl between her legs.

The girl walked on the other side of the room, preparing some wine.

The bodyguards behind me followed her swaying naked ass, while me, yes I will admit, I wanna take a sneak peek at Taylor's before she pulled up her jeans.

She caught my eye as she finished zipping up and smirked at me.

I rolled my eyes knowing that she enjoyed the attention.

She motioned for me to sit beside her on the couch.

She made her bodyguards leave.

I walked towards Taylor and I can't help to be surprised as I watched blondie and the brunette starts making out in the corner.

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