Don't Blame Me

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(Girls Night Out at Karlie's Place)

Lily Aldridge is one of Karlie's close friends. Lily invited her other friend, Taylor Swift. Lily knew Karlie and Taylor is a perfect match.

Taylor knocked and Karlie open the door.

Karlie greet her with a sparkling smile.

"Hey! Hello beautiful! I'm guessing your Lily's friend, Taylor? You're really beautiful!"

Taylor seemed to be caught already in Karlie's charm, " ah..Y--yes. Hi. I'm Taylor. Thank you for saying that." 

"Wow! Usually I don't get a thanks for my compliments! I like that! Come on in! Car, Kenny and Lilz already in my room!"   

Taylor was momentarily stuck, admiring Karlie's back as the taller girl walk out with her killer body! 


They played board games while chatting, eating junk foods and drinking beers.

After they got bored at board games, Car and Ken played beer pong downstairs,  while Lily excused herself to have a phone call with her daughter. Kar and Tay left sitting on Karlie's bed.

Taylor noticed some of Karlie's CDs. She asked, "You like James Taylor huh? I like his songs too! Which of his songs do you like?"

"I listen to it all.  But my favorite is Fire and Rain. Oh wait I'll play some music."

Taylor just admire Karlie's body as she stood up and set the music player. Every simple things that Karlie do, seems so sexually arousing.  

"Which album do you want me to play?"

Taylor stood up next to Karlie and pick 'Sweet Baby James'. Karlie then start playing the cd.

"Hey Karlie, I know that you hear this a lot but you are really so tall!!"

Karlie laughed and hopped back to her bed.

She then make a 'come hither' gesture to Taylor and wore a sexy smile.

Taylor was like caught up in a spell. Her body moved on its own. She stood right in front of Karlie. The taller girl looked her up and down and said, "Well..babe.. I know that you don't hear this a lot..but.. you're really just short.."

"Ha ha ha very funny, You're just .. very.. tall?" 

Karlie adjusted her height on the bed. Slightly bending her knees to level herself to Taylor's height and jokingly said, "Problem solved! Now we are the same height!"

Karlie accidentally leaned too much that their lips almost touch. They don't know what happened but soon they are kissing aggressively. Clothes thrown every direction of the room.

Waves and waves of orgasms came.

Until they were both laying breathless.

When Taylor's strength came back, she hugged Karlie and said, "Don't blame me but I think I'll be addicted to you. You're driving me crazy."

Karlie hugged her back and said, "then be addicted to me for the rest of your life"


And baby, for you, I would fall from grace
Just to touch your face
If you walk away
I'd beg you on my knees to stay  

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