Dark Side Of The Gym

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Karlie's POV 

I had just moved from Saint Louis to New York City. And the first thing I searched for after moving is a new gym to workout. I am a part time model so I should stay fit.

I spend an entire afternoon searching and when I am about to finally give up, I saw this gym with unique interior design. It's like a spaceship! I walked inside and greeted by a gorgeous blonde woman sitting behind the front desk.

"yl'el" - said the woman

Oh gosh! Is this real??! She's speaking Klingon language!!! I can identify the language but I can't speak it.

I shyly smiled at her and said, "Sorry. I cannot speak Klingon. Am I lost? Is this for real? Your gym is out of this world!"

"Oh it's okay . It's just our standard greeting here. Welcome to 'Dreamland Gym'. I am Taylor Swift and I will tour you around."

She offered a handshake. 

I shake her hand , "Karlie Kloss".

The surrounding is very calming to senses. They are complete with gym equipments. Oh! There is also a swimming pool inside! They also offer classes like pole dancing, jujitsu, yoga, ballet and many more.

And bonus perks, Taylor is a very charming and friendly girl. I think I will like it here!

Taylor gave me an hour for a free tryout.

I am resting from my last set when Taylor took me by surprise, "Hey Karlie! How are you liking it here?" 

She gave me a bottle of water and an extra towel for my sweat.

"Thank you. This is a nice place. I think I will enjoy it here." 

Taylor smiled, "Great! Just let me know if you need anything, okay? The shower area is on that side." 

She pointed me the direction of the shower room. I smile and nodded thanks.

She touched my shoulder before going back to the reception area.

After a month in this gym, I became friends with Taylor and some of the coaches and other people going to the gym at the same time as mine. 

I am preparing for my workout, when I noticed Taylor got up from the reception desk and head to the locker room.

I am flabbergasted when I saw her wearing a fitted pair of black yoga shorts and a tight white sando shirt. She's so hot!!!

She went to the stretching area, grabbed a floor mat off the shelf and laid it down then started to stretch. 

My eyes followed on every bend and stretch she make. After several seconds of staring, I snapped myself from the trance. I finished my stretching as quickly as possible and walked at the other side of the room.

I am lifting some weights when I caught sight of Taylor again. She's now doing squats, a dumbbell on each hand. To avoid staring at her again, I put my earphones on and start lifting the weights along with the rhythm of my songs.

After two songs, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I removed my earphones and saw Taylor smiling at me. 

"Hey Karlie, would you mind spotting me for my next set?" 

"Ah ehrm.. Su..Sure"

I followed her over to the squat rack. 

She finished loading up and stepped under the barbell and lifted it up. 

I stepped behind her, putting my hands out to each side in preparation to grab her. 

"Hey Karls. Move closer" she said. 

I took a step closer,  a mere inch away from her. 

Taylor starts to lower herself down, narrowly brushing against my front as she went down, then back up again. She did three reps, and then she struggled to get it back up. I quickly put my hands around her, my palms under her breasts, and helped to pull her back up. 

"Oh god! Thank you! But you know, your hands should go up a little higher to properly spot someone, Karlie!" 

"Huh? Wha..what do you mean?"

"I said higher! Higher Karlie!"

She put down the weights and she lifted my hands higher, perfectly cupping her breasts. I wanted to get my hands off of her but her hands don't let me. "Ahmm..Taylor..Aren't you afraid someone is going to see us like this?"

Taylor grinned. "Hmm..See what Karls?" 

I fumbled on my words "Thi...this..I...I don't think this is appropriate." 

"Really? Do you think this is inappropriate?" She swiped her tongue over my lips. I closed my eyes as she explore the inside of my mouth. I am now sitting on the floor, Taylor on my lap. Her arms were around my neck, grabbing my head closer to her. 

Before I drown in pleasure, I pushed her away from me. I saw hurt in her eyes, "Karls, I.. I'm ..please.. please stay.."

 I just looked at her. I don't know what to say.

She held a hand on my cheeks and kissed the tip of my nose, "I think I'm in love with you"  


  [Verse 1]
The first time I saw you, you were walking out
I wanted to ask if you could stay

But I'm gonna keep you in love with me for a while
I'm gonna keep you in love with me

The next time I saw you, you were breaking down
A million years had gone away
You looked right at me, and I just turned around
There was still nothing I could say

But I'm gonna keep you in love with me for a while
I'm gonna keep you in love with me
I'm gonna keep you in love with me for a while
I'm gonna keep you in love with me


I have dreams of
Singing to us

So I'm gonna keep you in love with me for a while
I'm gonna keep you in love with me
I'm gonna keep you in love with me for a while
I'm gonna keep you in love with me

I have dreams of anonymous castrati
Singing to us from the trees
I have dreams of a first man and a first lady
Singing to us from the sea  


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