Special Night

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Taylor turned off the alarm clock as it went off.

She's excited for today.

Today is Karlie's birthday!

She went to the kitchen to starts cooking breakfast for her and Karlie.

Karlie's still sleeping when she walked back into the bedroom.

She will act as if today was just an ordinary day.

Taylor crawled under the covers.

As they normal routine, she gives Karlie her oral sex to start the day.

She began to slowly lick Karlie's pussy.

She loved how she could make Karlie moans her name.

Karlie stretch her legs wider to make more room for Taylor.

She stopped Taylor when she felt she's already close to cumming.

Taylor stood on all fours beside Karlie, her ass cheeks facing Karlie.

Karlie starts slapping Taylor's butt, occasionally slapping her pussy too.

By this time, they were both turned on.

Karlie gets her favorite toy and grabbed Taylor's hips, pushing the toy into her pussy.

She fucked her until Taylor lets out a loud moan.

Karlie pulled out and told Taylor to finish preparing their breakfast.

Taylor got off the bed and went back to the kitchen.

Karlie took a shower, got dressed then went into the kitchen.

They ate breakfast. Karlie kissed Taylor goodbye and went off to work.

Taylor took a day off from her work, but she didn't tell Karlie.

She was planning a surprise for her later that day.

She decorated their room with scented candles and flower petals.

When the clock ticked seven forty five in the evening, Taylor went to take a shower.

In an hour, Karlie would be home.

Just as Taylor's finished getting dressed, she heard Karlie opening their front door.

She walked out their bedroom and hugged Karlie, "Welcome home, babe."

Karlie smiled at her as she wrapped her arms around Taylor's waist and lift her up slightly.

She kissed Taylor's red lips and asked, "What's the occasion? Why are you dress up like that? You're always sexy to me but tonight you're .. I can't seem to explain it.. more..sexier? I guess.."

Taylor smiled, "I have a surprise for you. But first. let me blindfold you"

Taylor grabbed a handkerchief and covered Karlie's eyes.

Taylor lead them to their bedroom and opened the door.

She guided Karlie to a chair to sit.

Once Karlie was sitted, she lit the candles, turned on some romantic music.

Taylor took off Karlie's blindfold.

Karlie was amazed by her surroundings, "Taylor! This is so romantic!"

Karlie's eyes watered with tears of joy.

Taylor kissed her and said, "Surprise! surprise! Happy Birthday, baby!"

Taylor asked, "What do you want to do first? Dinner? Shower? or Me??!"

Taylor seductively winked at Karlie but Karlie instead kneeled in front of Taylor.

Fished something out of her ripped jeans pocket and said, "Actually babe, I also have a surprise for you tonight.."

She handed Taylor a small box.

Taylor opened it, and her eyes grew big.

It was an engagement ring! Engraved with the words, "I<3U 4Evr&Alwys" , "Will you, Taylor Alison Swift, accepts me, Karlie Kloss, as your beloved wife? To be with me for the rest of our lives? Will you marry me?"

Taylor took the ring and let Karlie slipped it into her finger, "Yes yes yes! a thousand times Yes! I will marry you Karlie Elizabeth Swift-Kloss! I love you so much!"

Karlie stood up and holds Taylor's hands, "I love you too! so much!, Tay. I'm falling in love with you almost every day. I'm looking forward to a lifetime of adventures ahead together."

They kissed and make love on that special night.

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