Chapter 20

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Samanthas' POV

I was sitting on my bed..totally bored..what more will you expect if you have Tom as your boss and friend together..he doesn't let me go to the office and above all..he is taking me out tonight..should I call it a date..? No..!! Ofcousre not.

Finally Ivory appeared into my bedroom. She had been sleeping in my house since last night.

"Morning sleeping beauty..!!" I greeted her

"Morning..!!" She said and jumped on my bed

"Still sleepy..?" I asked her

"No..!! Horny.." She said and laughed at what she said and I gave her a look

"Are you crazy Ivory..? How long did you know that Zac that you agreed to be in a relationship.." i asked her

"Let me think...umm...30 minutes" she said acting innocent

"30 minutes..and you agreed to be in a relationship with a stranger.." i said shocked

"Nae..I knew him.." she said

"What did you know about him..?" I asked astonished

"His name duh..!! What else.." she exclaimed

"His name..!! And you call that information.." i said

"So what..he was hot.." she said shrugging

"We don't even believe a superstar that early..!!" I shouted

"Whatever Sam..tell me..did you two make out..?" She asked excited

"Make out..?" I asked my eyes popping out

"Yeah..!!" She shouted with glittery eyes

"With who..?" I asked

"Tom duh..!!" She said

"Are you like crazy or something..? I don't even know him and you are talking about making out.." i said

"You fon't need to know a person to make just need to keep in mind some tips.." she said andi threw a pillow on her face and stood up and locked myself in the bathroom to avoid her questions.

"Oh God Samantha..stop being a melodrama..come out..!!" She said banging the door

"No way.." i said

"Okay..i promise not again.." She said

"Sure..?" I asked

"Super sure..!!" She said and I unlocked the door and she started laughing

"Why are you laughing.." I asked

"See yourself in the mirror girl..You look like a puppy hiding of humiliation.." she said still laughing

"What does that mean..?" I asked

"Oh look like a stripper whose boyfriend found out that his girlfriend is a stripper.." she said laughing and I held a confused look

"Are you trying to make things humorous..??" I asked confused

"I meant you look found out you are gay.." she said

"What..? I am not gay.." i said

"That I know silly..just trying yo make you aware that you look thunderstruck..!!" She said

"Can't you say that earlier..It is easier to understand.." i said and went to sit on bed

"I think he likes you..!! " Ivy said and I coughed

"Are you crazy..?" I asked her with a serious look

"I am serious.." she said taking a bite of her apple

"He has a girlfriend.. and he loves her.." i said

"So what..? That might be just to show the world.." she said

"Might be not.." i said

"Look..someone will not do so much for someone unless he feels something.." she said

"We are just friends.." i said focussing on 'just'..

"Maybe only from your point of seeing things.." she said taking a bite of her apple

And then realisation hit me.

Toms' POV
Hahahaahhahhahahah...!! Richards' stupid laugh is all that echoed in my room. I told him about last night and he just kept on laughing

"Will you stop it dumbass..!" I shouted frustrated

"So..sorry..!! It was so funny..that girl is crazy.." he said

"Yeah..!! She made me do all this nonsense..but i really enjoyed.." i excalimed

" are seriously in love..never expected that from you.." he said

"Me either.." i smirked

" gonna tell her about your feelings.." he asked

"Firstly i wanna make her fall for me..Toms' magic you know.." I said

"But you are gay..!!" He said and I glared..he laughed.."just kidding.." he said

"I am taking her out on a date.." i told him

"Thats good.." he said.."but if she doesn't fall for you..? And what about Rose..?" He asked and then the problem herself entered

" are you..?" Rose said coming towards me and Richard chuckled

"I am are you..?" I asked her

"I am amazing..just shopped the whole city.." she said

"Okay..!" I said frustrated and she kissed my cheek

"I missed you so much..!!" She said and pouted

"I missed you too.." i said

"Okay so lets go out for a coffee and then dinner and then bedroom.." she said and I couldn't hold my eyes..

"No..I have work today.. we can go tomorrow.." i said trying to convince her

"Nooo...we can go for dinner.." she said and pouted

"No Rose..I have work..!!" I told her

"Okay..but tomorrow surely..!!" She said

"Yeah.i promise..!!" I said and she kissed me and left twirking her hips..

"Where is that piece from...?" Richard said and chuckled

"God knows where..She is a witch..!" I said

So the chapter was just a filler

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Recommend and read..enjoy the story

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