Chapter 37

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Samanthas' POV

Tom was sleeping while I was looking at him as well as the flowers he had brought for me. I know that we are not going to make it till the end and one fine day I will have to go away from Tom but still I can enjoy the time while I am with him.

I had been sitting on the chair and eating my apple when suddenly I felt a little giddy. There was a sudden urge to puke and I immediately got up and hurried towards the bathroom. I opened the door and vomitted. I had my hands setteled on the wash basin.
My hearyt was beating fast.

"Samantha..are you okay..!" I heard Tom yelling from the other side of the door.

"Yea..yeah Tom..! I am fine..just washing my face.." I told him trying to act as perfect as I can.

"Okay babe..! Take care..!" He said

I washed my face and wiped it with a towel. I looked myself in the mirror and saw the scratches on my face. I could see dark circles under my eyes.

I unlocked the door and saw Tom lying on the bed with his one hand on his legs and other ine supporting his head to look at me.

He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Someone is looking beautiful..!" He said with his constant smile.

"Someone is blind..!" I smirked

"Something is blind.!" He smirked

"What..?" I asked him totally confused

"Love is blind baby..!" He said and chuckled and I too led out a chuckle.

" look you want me to call the doctor..!" He said after a minute of silence.

"" i told him a bit hesitantly

"Are you sure..?" He asked me and I nodded.


Tom cooked pancakes for me and gave me a glass of milk. We both had our breakfast and then left for work.

I was alone at home. I thought of calling Ivory and ask her to come over so that we can catch up on something but then changed my mind and ignored the thought.

I was sitting and staring at the TV which was showing some typical RomCom "maid of honour". I had seen that movie quiet a few times but suddenly my mind wandered on something I saw on the day of accident. I was sure that Steve had something to do with the accident but I don't know whether it was actually true. My mind now revolved around the man who was driving the car. Yes..! I had seen him before..but where..?

I just couldn't concentrate.

The door bell rang and I went to take the door. I looked through the peephole and saw Ivory standing. I opened the door and led her in but instead she hugged me lovingly.

"How are you Sam..?" She asked me

"I am good..!" I replied trying to catch my balance.

"You don't miss me right..?" She said and made a puppy face.

"I was about to call you...!" I told her

"Lier lier pants on fire..!!" She sung her song and I chuckled and she did the same

"Lets go..!" She said excited

"But where..?" I asked her

"Go and change..!" She pointed to the bedroom

"Where are we going Ivory..?" I asked her but she pushed me from my back to the bedroom and made me sit on the bed.

"What are you up to..?" I asked her frustrated

She did not answer me..she opened my wardrobe and started searching from my clothes. After 5 minutes of search she picked out a jeans skirt which was blue along with a white printed t-shirt. She held both the clothes in her hand and smiled widely at me

"You want me to wear that..?" I asked her pointing to the skirt and she nodded like a freak.

"No Ivory..its too short..!" I told her

"Samantha..what are you gonna do with your sexy legs..!" She asked me

"Not gonna expose them..!" I told her

"Its not an if you don't wear shorts.." she said and I thought she has a point

I took the pair from her and changed into whatever she asked me to. I came out of the bathroom and saw Ivory wincing at me.

"You look better than me..I am so jealous of you right now..!" She said and I chuckled.

I matched my outfit with brown boots and a brown sling bag. I left my hair open and applied a red lipcolour.

We locked the house and took Ivory's car.

"Where are we going Ivory..?" I asked her

"Shopping..!" She chirped.

"The doctor has advised me rest..!" I said

"You can sit and help me select..I have a date today.." she said with a puply face.

"You are dating someone..?" I asked her

"Its a blind date..!" She said smiling

"What?" I asked her

"What..?" She asked me back.

"You need to be admitted to a mental asylum..!" I told her and looked out of the window.

Ivory drove while I sat there looking out of the window. We parked our car in the mall parking and went to the third floor.

"Why are we on the third floor..?" I asked Ivory because I know there are no shopoing stores here

"Victoria Secret..!" She chirped with glittery eyes.

"You are buying lingries..! I shouted

"Shh..! Stop shouting..!" She said

"You are buying lingeries..?" I whispered yelled at her and nodded

"But why..?" I asked her

"Just imagine..!! Just imagine Samantha..if I..somehow get a chance to share bed with him.." She said dreaming

"Oh stop it dolly daydream..!" I told her but she held my hand and dragged me to Victoria's secret.

Before entering in I saw Rose standing in and therefore I stopped. I was not scared of not at all..!! But why face the devil. I was about to turn around and leave Ivory there when I saw the same man..wearing a black suit..

"He is the one..!" I shouted and everybody around was now looking at me. I could hear whispers.

"Samantha..! Wha...what happened..?" Ivory asked me pulling me away from the crowd.

"He is the one.." I whispered pointing to the Victoria Secret showroom.

"What..?" She asked me totally confused

"Come here...." I told her


Updating after so long..hope the readers are still there waiting for me to update.

On demand of my readers kriti and priya..this one is for u

I was on a vacation so couldn't update.

Updates will b soon....

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