(5-4-16) Detention

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Okay, so there's this door, right? Yes, lovely way to start off a story. So go to school in some hick-town in the middle of nowhere at this sketchy, middle school. At least I'm getting an education. The teachers are—odd, but nice none-the-less and the work isn't TOO excruciating, so, I mean, can I really complain? Back to what I was saying before, there is this door in my school. It's right across from my art class, which is also where I have homeroom. It's this rusty, beat up door and it's always locked, and I don't mean like the rest of the doors in the school lock, I mean there is a padlock keeping it shut. 

"What do you think it's for?" asked my friend, Katlyn.

"Torturing the unfortunate kids who get detention," I joked.

"Whatever, Bandit. It's probably just where they keep old books and stuff," said our friend, Louise. Buzzkill as ever I see.

"But what if it's something else. Bwaa!" said our friend, Gerard in a sad attempt to scare us. That last little part was him shouting as he grabbed Katlyn and Louise's shoulders. Katlyn screamed and somewhat ignored him after that and kept walking, while Louise just jumped and proceeded to try to punch him. I just laughed because it takes a lot to scare me, and Louise's response was pretty funny. We just kept walking, all of us have classes with each other in various parts of the day, but art is the one class the four of us have together. As we were walking, we noticed something. The, normally pad-locked "Door of Creepy" as we call it, was open.

"That's...different," said Gerard. I could hear the unusual fear in his voice. We walked into the art room and saw an unfamiliar face.

"Great," said Louise. "A sub."

"Hello class, I'm Mr. Oberlies. Mrs. Pang will not be here today so you can play on your computers and talk amongst yourselves as long as you don't get too out of control," he said in a voice of fake enthusiasm.

"Ten dollars says it'll only last ten minutes before he forces us to be silent," said Louise.

"Another ten says it'll be five minutes," added Gerard.

"Deal!" whisper-shouted Katlyn.

"It's weird Mrs. Pang is out," I said. "It's not like her to miss school like this."

"I heard she hasn't missed a single day in the last seventeen years," said Katlyn.

"From a teacher," added Louise. They have Ms. Jackson together, she's been working here ever sense the school was opened. To put that into perspective, she was about 25 when she started working here and now she's about to retire at the ripe old age of 73.

"Do you think it has anything to do with the door being open?" I asked. A hush fell over the four of us. Everyone was thinking the same thing, no one wanted to say it.

"Maybe one of us should see," said Gerard, breaking the silence.

"That's stupid! Whoever goes is going to get detention or something! Is it really worth it? Katlyn, Bandit, don't you agree?" Louise protested. Another hush fell over us, because Katlyn and I agreed with Gerard. "You guys aren't actually agreeing with him, are you?" she asked. Another silence before Katlyn spoke.

"Let's draw straws, or in this case, pencils." She pulled four pencils out of her pencil box, one being a lot shorter than the others. She stuck her hands under the desk and placed the pencils in her hand the best she could before sticking her hand out to us. I pulled first; safe. Next came Louise; safe. Then Gerard. They were both worried by the looks of it. One of them had to go. He pulled; safe. That meant Katlyn had to go. Her face went pail and she shook for the rest of class. After the bell rang, Louise, Gerard, and I all headed to the bus together. On a normal day, Katlyn would come with us, but not today. She went alone.

She didn't come to school the next day. I didn't hear from her. Mrs. Pang never returned. Each day after that, we each drew straws to see who'd go next. "This is stupid! We've already lost one, we can't lose another!" Louise protested, before she draw the short pencil. We didn't see her again. After that, I got lucky again and Gerard went. When he didn't return, I was alone. I wanted to know what had happened to my friends, and to be honest, I wanted that a little more than I wanted to stay alive.

Art finished and I walked in front to that door. It had never been closed. I opened the door a little wider to see inside, my eyes met with darkness and my face with cold air. I walked it to see the binders and computer bags of my friends. I wanted to run and scream and call the cops, but something told me to keep going. I threw my stuff down and kept walking. After about three steps in, I could hears screams. Nothing but ear piercing screams. I fell to the ground and gripped my head. My head began to ache and my ears felt tired and shaken. After a solid minute of the screams, they stopped. I moved my hands from my head and felt at my ears. I could feel warm, sticky blood dripping from my ears. I got up and started stumbling forward threw blurry vison on shaky legs.

Dim, industrial lights filled the room, showing me a long cement hallway with big metal doors at the end. About halfway through, I could smell something. It was something foul and once it came, it came strong. The pain in my head intensified and I felt like my brain was about to start pouring out of my eyes. After a few more feet, my feet started to ache, I looked down and my shoes felt tight. I sat down and took off my shoes to show me feet had grown purple and were swollen. I tried to stand, but I'd leave behind bloody footprints and send shrills of pain up my legs. I fell to my knees and they smacked on the cold floor. I laid down and started to cry. I couldn't stop now.

I rolled onto my stomach and dragged myself across the floor. I need to get to that door, I need to see what was there. I shoved the heavy door open and crawled in. The door closed behind me and I felt...different. Different isn't a bad thing in this case. The pain in my head subsided and I could stand. Despite the fact I went through the doors without my shoes, I was wearing them. I felt the same physically, but what I saw in there. I could see Katlyn at the end of the room. She was lying on her stomach with bloody clumps in her died blue hair and her arm mangled behind her back to the point where it was touching her ear. Her leg had such a deep cut in it, it looked like the only thing keeping it on her was her jeans and a few pieces of skin.

Against one wall I could see Louise. Her blonde hair torn out in clumps with pieces of brain oozing out of her eyes and ears. Her stomach was sliced open and her guts just lied on the floor in front of her. On the wall against were the door was I could see Gerard. He was sitting upright with Xs sewn over his eyes and a large wound on his throat where blood stains and clumps poured from. There were bodies with faces mangles beyond recognition hanging from the ceiling, littered across the floor, and nailed to the wall. I was about to turn back and call for help before I heard a raspy voice behind me.

"Excuse me miss, but I don't think you're supposed to be here," the voice said. It sounded like the voice of the school principle, but it sounded like her voice was coming out of a speaker behind my head rather than an actual person. "I'm afraid you're going to have to get...Detention."


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