(10-3-16) Santa's Pissed

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AN: I was going to wait 'till after Thanksgiving to post this but I knew I'd forget so I just decided to post it now. This story was based off the Motionless in White song Santa's Pissed. (Understand the title now?) There is one part is the story that is just going to seem a bit off and you're not really going to understand unless you are familiar with the song. Now that that's out of the way, enjoy! 

" What?! You're honestly leaving me?!"

"I'm sorry. I just don't love you anymore."

"You didn't even have the decency to say it in person." I heard a different voice speaking in the background of her call.

"Hey baby. Everything okay?" I could hear her hand covering the mic to try to muffle the sound of her voice, but it didn't do much. "Honey, I'm on the phone. I'll be there in a minute." I sniffled back as tears began to come down my face.

"Who's that?"

"Who's who?"

"Don't play dumb. Who the fuck is that?!" She didn't say anything. "Is that Ricky?" Silence continued to fill her end of the call. "Put him on the phone."

"He has nothing to do with thi-" I cut her off.

"Put him on the fucking phone." There was some brief silence before I heard Ricky talking.

"Hey, who is this?"

"So you're fucking my girlfriend?"

"Look dude, this doesn't have to get ugly. I'm sorry that this is happening," he said in a weak attempt to be civilized.

"You're a piece of shit friend. I hope you realize that." I don't know why that was the comment that made him snap, but it was none-the-less.

"Yeah, well your girlfriend is a nice piece of ass."

"You're the reason hell was created."

"Well I'm sticking my dick in heaven right now." I felt a few more tears come down my face. After six years, this is what I get. After a few seconds, she was back on the phone.

"I'm sorry about that."

"The hell are you apologizing for? Ricky's behavior, that fact that you're leaving me for my best friend, or that you decided to tell me on Christmas Eve?"

"I understand you're hurt, but you don't have to be an asshole about it."

"Me, being the asshole?! You're not exactly in a good position to tell me who's the asshole here!!"

"Whatever. I got to go. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas, you fucking whore!" She hung up.

A few sobs escaped my lips and a few more tears fell from my eyes. The fucking little bitch. How could she do this to me? She told me she was with her parents for the holidays. I had to work the day before so that's why I wasn't with her, but she wasn't even with her parents. Instead she was busy getting plowed by my best friend. What kind of cunt would do something like that?! Just then, an idea came into my head.

A few hours later I showed up to Ricky's house. It's insane to imagine that this was one of my favorite places to visit and now I was planning on ruining Christmas for the fucks in it. Ricky didn't have a chimney for the dramatic effect, so I just used the front door. The idiot didn't think to lock it. As soon as I opened the door, I heard was sounded like someone stirring a pot of macaroni and disgusting moans. I was disgusted at first, but after a brief second of thinking, I was a bit satisfied. I'd be able to catch them while they're vulnerable. I ran into the living room, where Ricky spearing my ex. She was the first one to notice I was there and screamed. Ricky pulled out and freaked out, covering his junk with a blanket, leaving her completely exposed.

"Oh my fucking god, Josh!!! What the fuck are you doing in my house?!?!"

"Wicked witch of falling asleep, you smell like you're not going to like what you see!!! Big brothers going to shove it up your ass!!! 1,000 oinks scratching at the field of dignity you!!! You'd always love meat, you'll see!!! Let's see what anti-gravity says!!! Preachers say to get the fuck out of the way!!! That's when he looked for duke, Spotsburg!!! He saw excitement!!! You like that dancing!!! You like that Pranson, add on Dixon, you hate Comet, you hate Cupid, fucking Donner and Blitzen!!! What did you expect?! Go harder, bitch!!! You fucking donner?! Go hug a fucking light switch!!! Some people never thought that copper would run out!!! Go hold your breath and Santa will send you back to the slut house!!!"

She stared at me with horror and confusion in her eyes. "Josh, you're not making any sense!!!" I didn't even bother trying to make sense, I just kept going.

"Time for gifts!!!" I shouted as I reached into my bag and pulled out two stalkings and threw them at them. "You've been good all year so you get plenty of gifts!!!" Ricky looked into a stalking and saw the hand grenades and razor blades. He wanted to say something but there wasn't anything left to say.

"That's not all though!!!" I reached into my bag and pulled out the rest of my gifts to them.

"Five heads in a box!!!" I threw a small box with five severed squirrel heads in it.

"Just a four on his cock!!!" I pointed to my ex.

"Three bags of nails!!!" I threw three medium sized bags with nailed protruding from the sides. A few of them sliced both of their skin. They gave pitiful squeaks of pain, but they were mostly afraid.

"Two bullets!!!" I pulled out a gun and showed them the two bullets in the chamber.

"One gun!!" I pulled the trigger and painted thewall with their fucking brains.

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