(10-1-20) "Use this song to write a short story"

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 The boat rocked on the choppy water as thick clouds hung low in the sky. We were all packed in like sardines and filled to the brim with fear. We didn't fully grasp what was about to happen. We didn't want to. We didn't want to face the reality that some of us were never going to hug our kids again. This wasn't how I ever imagined my life going. I was going to be a doctor. I was going to settle down and find a wife and live a nice quiet life, but then the bombs started dropping and draft came roaring through, sweeping me up and taking me away so that I could die for my country.

I sighed, and pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind. I wasn't going to die. I was going to fight, and I was going to go home. I glanced over at my older brother, Matthew. I was thankful that through all of this, I was still with him. He stared intently at something in his hands, as if if he took his eyes off of it he might burst into flames. It was a picture of his baby girl, Sam, swaddled in a little blanket our mother made once she heard the good news. I remember the joy in his eyes when he knew he was dad, and how he cried when he saw that picture for the first time. Now, his eyes were dry, as some silent rule kept us from mourning the lives we're about to lose. I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"She's gonna be just as beautiful when we meet her." His gaze stayed unbroken. "I'm excited to see her. Five dollars says she's gonna love me more than you." That finally seemed to break his trance.

"Yeah, right. If she's anything like me, she'll know how annoying you are" I could still see the pain behind his eyes, but it was good to see him smile for a second.

We could see the shore through thick fog in the distance. Our fear began to boil over, the anxiety in the air was thicker than the fog. I gripped my rifle like it was my whole life, and whispered one last thing to my brother before the ship reached the shores.

"Sam is gonna love you. I know it."

The boat hit the sand and we ran out onto the beach. The cacophony of gunfire and landmines was deafening. I emptied my clip through a sea of smoke and blood. I don't know if I even hit someone firing at me, or if I was just wasting bullets. I ducked down to take cover, only then realizing I lost sight of my brother.

I couldn't see.

I couldn't hear.

I couldn't think.

Where is he?

I spotted him behind the sand bar, safe from incoming bullets. I was almost relieved, until I noticed his uniform was no longer brown, but soaked in muddy red.

"MATT!" I screamed. I couldn't even hear my own voice. I ran to him, narrowly avoiding German bullets. He didn't even notice I was there until I tried to stop the bleeding.

"You're gonna be okay, Matt. You're gonna be okay." His gaze met mine. I didn't want to see pain or fear in his eyes, but I wasn't expecting to see what I saw. He looked almost happy. He was at peace, with his death. I couldn't stand for it. How could he be at peace? He wasn't going to die! I wasn't going to let him.

"You're gonna be okay, Matt. You're gonna go home and you're gonna hug your wife--" Matt places his hand on my arm, almost as if he was trying to stop me from saving him.

"Johnny..." His voice started to trail off. He sounded weak. "Take care of Sam for me, okay?"

"No, Matt. I'm not gonna do that, because you're gonna go home. You're gonna go home a-and you're gonna see her. Y-You're gonna get to hold her and see her grow up--" My eyes filled with tears. Matt couldn't die. Not now.

"Johnny, you're gonna be a great uncle." He went limp, and his eyes glazed over. No, Matt, don't die. Please don't leave me here, alone. I need you Matt. Please come back!

"I'll take care of her, Matt. I promise." 

Writing Prompts I wrote for schoolWhere stories live. Discover now