Death and War

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Lanneth rose early the next morning and prepared her horse for the battle ahead. She placed her palm on his forehead and murmured softly, "Protect my steed from enemy blows, protect his heart made of gold, and if I shall fall into deaths waiting arms protect my steed from every blow." She kissed his velvet muzzle before placing her own armor on. She strapped her long eleven sword to her side, slid two sleek daggers against her back and one in her boot before placing her quiver of arrows upon her saddle. Lanneth could easily ride her horse with just her legs so there was no reason to weigh herself down any more than needed. She mounted with the horses, grabbing her reins in one hand and holding onto her bow with the other. She turned her beautiful horse and rode off with the rest unsure of what lay before them be it death or glory.

Fire and death filled Lanneth's nose as she swung her blade down upon the neck of an Orc. As the Orc fell to the ground his black blood splattered her face. Her chest heaved as she glanced around at all the dead bodies around her. Men, Elves, and Orcs all dead. Lanneth pushed onwards cutting down Orcs at every chance that she got it wasn't until she heard someone yell out in rage did Lanneth finally spot someone she knew. Standing not far away was Thranduil standing over someone and Lanneth could only guess that it was the King. Her gaze travelled to an approaching Orc holding a whip in one hand and a jagged knife in the other. Adrenaline went into over driver as Lanneth pushes forward swinging her blade left and right cutting down any enemy that dared to cross her path. A small gap presented itself to her and Lanneth bounded forward towards the Prince, who was still caught up in the fact that his father had just been slain to realize his life was about to end. As the Orc raised its arm Lanneth launched herself through the aair and placed herself between the Prince and the Orc. There was too much momentum for the Orc to keep his arm from coming down and Lanneth felt the whip wrap itself around her face. Thousands of tiny objects dug into her skin as the Orc yanked his arm back and to the side causing Lanneth to be lifted off her feet and thrown to the ground. As the whip uncurled its clutches from her face she hissed in pain as the blood trickled down her face and into her line of sight. She blinked rapidly scrambling to get to her feet as she turned to face the Orc who had now turned his attention to her.

Lanneth could feel her body protesting and her knees threatened to give out from under her as she noticed her long elven sword was gone. As the Orc advanced upon the elleth she noticed the flash of metal and the Orcs head was promptly freed from his body. The Orcs body crumpled to the ground and behind him stood none other than Prince Thranduil his eyes held both gratitude and anger in them all at once. Lanneth's gaze flickered to the body just behind Thranduil, it was indeed his father but there was another lying beside him......her father. She felt her heart break and shatter into a million pieces around her. She grabbed the two daggers from her back and drove them backwards into the necks of two approaching Orcs, her gaze never leaving the body of her fallen father. She slid her daggers sideways before pulling them out and felt the Orcs drop dead behind her. She turned her gaze to Thranduil who has since resumed fighting the Orcs. She had never seen someone move so elegantly on the battlefield and she knew then that she had fallen for the now King of Greenwood.

The war had been won but so many lives had been lost. Lanneths mother soon left her to join her father leaving Lanneth all alone. Lanneth felt herself shutting down her emotions, she had not only lost a father but also a mother. The pain was almost unbearable and she found it so much easier to just shut it all off. Feeling something is worse than feeling nothing at all right?

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