The Meeting

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Lanneth sat in the library a while longer and then frowned at the book. In the book Gandalf said her mother was with child and yet when Lady Galadriel helped her see into her past she was already born. Gandalf had also told her just a few minutes prior that he had met her parents, yet it did not make sense to her, it was impossible. A clearing of the throat made Lanneth glance up and there before her stood Elrond. She gave him a smile but she knew that it did not reach her eyes, she had once again shut down her emotions for it was quite simple for her, like flipping a switch. He sat down next to her his rich eye burrowed down straight to her soul. "Your mother was expecting another child when Gandalf met them in this book. You were hidden away and so he did not see you." Lanneth looked down at the book then back up at Elrond. A question instantly formed in her mind Does this mean I have a sibling? As if Elrond was reading her mind he simply shook his head, "She was still with child when they were slain, you are in fact the last of your kind Lanneth." It felt like she was being punched in the gut and the air left her body. Finally she took an unsteady breath and tried to calm the rage that was building up instead of her. It felt like there was molten lava in her veins for it burned so hot inside of her and she clenched her first trying to contain it. "You must learn to control it, before it controls you Lanneth." His voice was soothing but not soothing enough to douse the anger eating away at her. She frowned and closed her eyes and her voice was a small whisper in the darkness, "How?" She swallowed the anger and buried it deep down inside of her and finally opened her eyes to look over at Elrond. His face showed nothing but his eyes gave him away. There was sorrow, love, pity, respect, and uncertainty swirling around and when he spoke she could hear his voice crack ever so slightly, "I don't know." Then he stood and Lanneth followed his movement with her eyes. He then turned and extended his hand out to her, "Come let us take a walk." Lanneth nodded and stood placing her hand in his. He gave her a small smile and place her hand in the crook of his arm. They walked quietly towards the gardens of Rivendell and once more Lanneth felt a calmness wash over her. While she had not been here long Lanneth had grown to love Rivendell and the tranquility that it offered to those who dwelt there. She felt her muscles and her mind relaxing as she walked next to Lord Elrond whom she had also grown to love. Though the love she had for him was not that of a love or wife but as a friend, someone she felt she could count on and more importantly....someone she could trust. Lanneth did not trust many people, in fact she could not think of one single being on middle earth with whom she trusted as much as she trusted Elrond. "You think too loud Lanneth" Lanneth stopped and gasped, "You can read mind?" Elrond simply smiled at her softly, "No I cannot read minds but if I am close enough with someone and they express themselves loud enough I can hear it. Though your thoughts warm my heart." Lanneth felt her cheeks flush and she quickly placed her gaze elsewhere. "I did not know your parents and I did not have any dealings with your relatives so I am afraid I will not be able to answer any questions that you might have. All I can offer you is a place to call home for as long as you need and a friend you can always call for if you need." Lanneth turned her gaze back towards Elrond and she gave him a grateful smile, one that truly reached her eyes, for slowly the Lord of Rivendell was breaking down the barriers Lanneth had kept in place for so long. They resumed walking and began talking of little things here and there. "Why did you take up healing Elrond?" He raised an eyebrow at her for it was such a sudden and strange question. "I grew weary of fighting after the battle that defeated Sauron. I no longer wished to fight after seeing all the dead around me, all the wounded fighting to survive, and so I decided to take up healing instead. To live the rest of my days on middle earth in peace for I no longer wish to pick up a sword." Lanneth looked up at Elrond, "If the darkness consumes me please promise me one thing." She watched his eye brows draw together, "It will not..." She cut him off, "Promise me...." He sighed, "I will only promise once I hear what it is you wish of me to do." "Kill me." She felt his muscles tense and he took in a sharp breath, "I will make no such...." "Promise me, if the darkness consumes me that you will have the strength to pick up a sword or a bow and take me down. As my only friend I beg of you, if it comes to that point...please do not let me harm anyone, just put me out of my misery." He refused to look at Lanneth, his heart was racing wildly and he could hardly make himself think straight. He wanted to make the promise but he found himself unable to make such a promise for he was uncertain if he could carry through with it. She was his friend but he was not sure if he could strike down a friend even if it was for their own good. "I promise." The words were heavy upon his tongue as they rolled out of his mouth. Lanneth nodded her head and returned her gaze back towards the night sky. Neither one spoke another word after, they simply stood there lost in their own thoughts, both looking at anything but each other.

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