To War

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Darkness fell upon middle earth and upon all those dwelled in it. Lanneth stood at the gates of Greenwood in her battle armor awaiting the Kings order to move out. She had quickly moved through the ranks due to her ability to fight. She sat atop her beautiful horse, a dark bay with white upon his stocky limbs and a small white spot upon his forehead. His long ebony mane trailed down to his shoulders while his tail dark as the night touched the ground. He stood quietly beneath her waiting for her to give him to cue to go.

As the King and his son Thranduil rode past all the elves bowed their heads to show their respect. Once past Lanneth lifted her head and gazed upon father and son who looked so alike. King Oropher turned to his king and spoke to all in his usual calm and cold voice, "Darkness has come, today is the day we stand and fight. We stand united with all of those in middle earth who oppose this threat, this evil! You are not only fighting for the safety of your kingdom but for all of middle earth! Remember your oath and if it comes that you meet death upon the battlefield that you greet him as if he were an old friend knowing that your sacrifice will always be remembered!" He looked upon the face before him with hard blue eyes before turning his mount and yelling "Move out!" Three quarters of the guards marched out of Greenwood that day not knowing if they would ever gaze upon the magnificent kingdom again.

Lanneth rode silently, her face set behind a mask of calmness when suddenly she felt a hand upon her shoulder. She turned her rich blue eyes towards the person and found her father gazing back at her. They looked at each other but no words were spoken. He gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze before moving father ahead. No words were needed for the look said it all, good luck and I love you. Would this be the last time that they were going to gaze upon each other for when it battle death waits eagerly on the side to take you into his arms.

As the elves of Greenwood grew near the meeting point, Lanneth saw just how many had come to stop this evil. Men and elves alike set up camp and waited for they knew tomorrow would bring forth a battle they would not soon forget. Lanneth pulled her horse to a stop in an open cleaning before she dismounted and prepared her tent. She knew she wouldn't be sleeping in it as she did not like being confined this close to a battle. One never knows when the enemy may try and attack you by surprise. More than likely Lanneth would be found sleeping near her horse if anyone were to walk by.

The sun was still high above in the sky when Lanneth pulled out her sword to practice just like she did every day. As she spun around and swung her sword it was met by another and she looked upon her intruder with cold eyes. She quickly realized that the person on the other end was none other than Prince Thranduil himself. Lanneth quickly replaced her sword before casting her eyes down and apologizing, "I apologize Prince Thranduil I did not see you there. Forgive me for not being more aware of my surroundings!" She kept her head bowed and her eyes upon the ground. Prince Thranduil spoke quietly, "Do not apologize, and please look up at me Lanneth." She slowly raised her head as her eyes met his,she felt her heart skip a beat. "I hear you are one of the best in the lands both with a sword and a bow. Is this correct?" He blue eyes gazed upon her with a softness that made her knees go weak. Lanneth felt like the words were lodged in her throat so she simply nodded. He smiled before he also replaced his sword and walked slowly away from Lanneth. Lanneth stood rooted in spot watching him go and could hardly believe that the Prince himself had just spoken to her after so many years.

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