Something Wicked

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Lanneth opened her eyes to a brilliantly sunny day and sighed contently. She could understand why everyone loved Lorien, it was not only beautiful but also peaceful and tranquil. She felt so relaxed and at ease, like nothing in the world was wrong. She was snapped back to reality when someone knocked softly on her door before entering. Thranduil and Lanneth locked gazes for a moment before he shut the door quickly behind him, "I did not realize you were still in bed at this hour. It is very unusual for you. Come quickly as Lady Galadriel had requested our presence." Lanneth swung herself out of bed without realizing she still had on her short white nightgown. She looked at Thranduil with a questioning gaze as she watched his eye widen slightly. Then she glanced down at herself and realized what exactly she was wearing. Her heart thundered in her chest, "Turn around!" Thranduil swung around and faced the door as Lanneth felt the heat rising up onto her cheeks. Never had anyone ever seen her in her nightgown before and now the first person to see just had to be the King of all people! Lanneth quickly dressed herself and cleared her throat to let Thranduil know it was okay to turn around. Thranduil turned and looked down at Lanneth with what could only be described as a glimmer of raw hunger and need in his eyes. Lanneth felt herself blush all over again and knew this time that the King noticed it. They were mere inches away from each other both staring at each other both remembering the words spoken by the former king of Mirkwood. Lanneth was the first to break eye contact, "Someone is...." Her sentence was cut off by a pair of soft lips crashing down upon her own. She felt the King wrap his arms around her and pull her close before sliding his hand up her back and into her ebony hair.

Lanneth was once more the first one to break the contact even though it pained her to do so. Taking a step back Lanneth looked at the Thranduil shocked and confused. Before either one could say anything there was a knock upon the door. Lanneth turned quickly and walked to the door opening it ever so slightly. "The Lord and Lady request your presence." Lanneth nodded and watched the elf depart before shutting the door and turning back to Thranduil who had his back turned to her, "Care to explain what the hell that was about?" She watched him turn slowly, "That was nothing. Come we must not keep them waiting." With that he walked out of the room and Lanneth stood there for a second before turning quickly to follow him. They entered the great hall once more and found the Lord and Lady already sitting there waiting for them. Thranduil and Lanneth both bowed before taking the same seats that had last in the night prior. "I take it you both slept well?" Lady Galadriel asked softly. Thranduil nodded, "Yes we did thank you my lady." The rest of breakfast was ate in silence as if no one was quite ready to talk about the reason for the visit. Thranduil kept his arm a good distance away from Lanneth and she felt her heart throb in pain. She just couldn't figure him out and it was slowly killing her inside. Finally Lady Galadriel stood up, "Lanneth would you care to take a walk with me?" Lanneth looked up at the fair haired elf and nodded slowly, "Of course Lady Galadriel." Lanneth stood exiting the room with the Lady Galadriel.

Lord Celeborn turned his attention to Thranduil, "She loves you, you know that right?" Thranduil looked up quickly, "Yes I know that. You and I both know it could never be. She is a silvan elf and I am royalty, it would never be allowed." Thranduil could feel Celeborn's eyes cutting right through him. "There is much you do not know." Thranduil eyed him warily, "Such as?" Celeborn gave him a small smile, "Now is not the time. Soon my friend you will understand. Now show me this note." Thranduil pushed their previous small talk out of his mind as he handed Celeborn the tiny piece of paper that spoke of his death. Celeborn eyed it carefully trying to think of who could have risen that would want to kill the elf sitting before him. He knew his wife had seen something but she refused to speak to him about it, for whatever she had seen clearly troubled her. "Can you think of anyone from the past that might want to have you killed?" Thranduil felt his eyebrow knit together, "Not off hand. I have made sure to keep my Kingdom safe and out of prying eyes." Celeborn nodded and clasped his hands in front of him unsure of what else to say. He was at a loss but he had a small suspicion that his beautiful wife had more answers than she lead on.

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