The warning

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Lanneth sat in front of her mirror gazing at her scar covered face. Two jagged lines ran from one side of her face to another but unlike the King she did not hide her scars. Then again Lanneth also knew that her scars were not as bad though she still thought him beautiful no matter what. You see Lanneth could see past his glamor, she could see past the little show he put in place for everyone else. It was one of the biggest reason there were no mirror in the fortress for mirrors show you who you really are. A true reflection of yourself and Thranduil could not stand to see that side of himself. As she traced her fingers down the scar it only reminded her of the day she saved the life of her Prince but lost the love of her father. She looked down at her hand only to find it completely healed, and while she normally could recover from injuries quicker than other this was top speed, even for her. Shaking it off Lanneth quickly braided her long black hair before dressing quickly for the long day ahead. She strapped her long sword to her side and placed her two small daggers at her back before she departed her room. She moved quickly and quietly through the passages and tunnels of the Kings fortress. It did not take her long to reach the Throne room where she knew that Thranduil would be. She stopped at the door and gained her cold emotionless composure. As she opened the door she noticed that Thranduil was not there yet. That is strange she thought to herself and began to turn around to find him when she saw him walking towards her. Their eyes locked for a moment before she turned and marched up the steps leading to his throne. She positioned herself just behind him like she did every day when he didn't have her off running around killing spiders. He sat down lazily in the throne and Lanneth could see him glance at her out of the corner of his eye. She then purposely shifted slightly to the right placing her a little farther away from his throne. She looked towards the hallway leading to the Throne room and saw a man approaching with some of the guards. Ahhh yes the yearly meeting with the men of Lake Town to agree upon a trade. Lanneth clasped her hands loosely in front of her and tuned out most of the conversation as it did not pertain to her nor was that scraggly man a threat to her King. The agreement was the same as last year which came as no surprise to Lanneth.

The day felt like it was dragging on and Lanneth's mind kept wandering back to her magic and how she should start testing the waters to see just what exactly she could do with her magic. The King dismissed her with the wave of his hand and Lanneth quickly departed glad to be out of the same room as him for the tension between the two of them was enough to suffocate just about anyone. After grabbing a quick bite of supper Lanneth made her way back to her quiet room for some much needed alone time. Every night Lanneth would practice her magic which could be anything for making something explode to just simply moving something around. She loved her new magic and wondered just how far she could push it. She had always placed a protect spell upon her horse but what if this new found power could help her shield any entire army!? She thought of all the good she could do with her magic, between helping those around her heal faster and protecting her kin from death if there was ever a war again. Many weeks had went by and the King had not spoken once to Lanneth. Instead he sent others to be his messenger and to be quite honest Lanneth was tired of the bullshit childish game he was playing. She had finally decided one cold winter night that next time he sent a messenger over to him that his little messenger would be sent back to him with a little return message. She did not have to wait long for there was a rap tap tap on her door once dark winter evening. She flung open the door to see a young guard standing before her, she narrowed her eyes at him. "What do you want?" She growled sounding far more harsh than she intended it to be. The guard's eyes widened for a moment before he started to stumble over his words, "T-t-the K-k-King request to s-s-see you in his....c-c-chambers." Lanneth narrowed her eyes even farther at the young elf before her. Seriously, his chamber is right next to her and he send someone to come and fetch her. "You go tell the King if he wants to see me he can come tell me himself!" With that she slams the door in the guards face.

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