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A month had passed since Lanneth had arrived in Rivendell and she was starting to wonder if Galadriel was really coming or not. Lanneth had mostly kept to herself by hiding out in the library or practicing with her swords in her room. She had seen Lord Elrond here and there but he seemed rather preoccupied so she did not wish to disturb him with her questions. One fine spring morning Lanneth was in the library as usually combing through books like she had been off and on for a month in hopes of finding out more about her past. She was in the back corner of the library amongst books that had not been touched in ages. It was then that a book caught her attention, High Elves of the mountain and sea. Her fingers traced down the aged spine and she pulled the book out from its resting place. It was not a large book and as she opened it she found that it was actually a journal. It was not however a journal from one of the actually elves but of someone from the outside watching them from afar as if gathering information about them. She sat down in a chair and began skimming through the information.

They keep to themselves but it is very clear to me that these elves possess a higher form of magic than even I do though it is hard to tell since I have yet to see them use it. They are fair skinned but their hair ranges in color from black as night to white as snow and red as dragon's fire. The air in these mountains by the sea cackle with energy and magic. I feel both comfort in it and yet fear mingles with the comfort. By their talk that I hear occasionally, as they pass me by unnoticed, is clearly that of the high elves. It is no wonder that they keep to themselves.

Lanneth frowns and wonders to herself who this person is. Clearly they could feel the magic these people, her people she assumed, possessed for he/she had magic as well. She sighed for there was not many entries in this little journal. It was mostly the day to day activities and how they interacted with other races who stumbled across them. As she continued to flip through the pages only briefly skimming them now she found an entry that caught her attention.

A darkness has come across the land. It whispers among the ears of these elves for I hear it as well even though I am not an elf. It whispers of promises that would be hard to refuse. Ultimate power, the ability to control the elements, and many more things. The dark mist swirls around, a nameless bodiless form calling to someone who will believe its lies. For now it appears that these elves are fleeing from this thing save one.

Lanneth quickly turns the page to the next entry.

When I returned there was nothing left. Evil had laid waste this small community of elves. It is clear to me that there was a battle of magic for the earth herself was seared by it. I have not found many bodies but those I have found clearly did not go without a fight. Broken swords lay beside them and their magic still lingers around their bodies. I wonder to myself where have these other elves gone? They fled in a hurry that much is clear. Did that male elf listen to the mysterious dark mist? Did he do this? I must find them, I must find the remaining elves and find out what has happened.

Lanneth felt a pain in her heart. Her people had been murdered but for what purpose? There had to more to it than just power over the elements and such. What was the real reason for this dark mist to come visit her people with false promises, the same mist that now dwelled inside of her. It was many months before the person wrote inside this book.

It has taken me many months to find any trace of the elves that once dwelled in the mountains near the sea. Finally I was able to track down a young elleth and her ellon. They were supposed to be wed the day the attack took place. I asked them their names but they refused to give them to me. I suppose out of fear that whatever had destroyed the village might be coming after them still. All they told me that one of the elves listened to the mist. He stepped forward claiming he had a right to these powers. It was then that the mist covered him from head to toe and none saw him for a good five minutes. When the mist was gone he was clearly a changed elf. His voice was deeper and when he spoke he instilled fear to the very bone. The mist had not wanted to give its power for use of good but for use of evil. It wanted to rule, to rule over all the elves, but it needed a body to do so. The powers that these elves possess only added to the power this mist already contained. When the elves refused to join him in his quest to take over he launched an attack on them and promised to wipe their entire race out. He said no more will there be a mountain elf from the sea upon Middle Earth. You shall be a myth and forgotten over time. They have scattered running and hiding were they can. These elves know though that they will be hunted down and so they do not go to the other elves for help for fear of bringing down the entire race of elves. I asked them why they aren't trying to fight this thing. In which they simply replied we have been trying to and we have been failing. This thing is far too powerful for us at least. As I departed I noticed that the young elleth was just starting to show with child. She placed her hand upon my shoulder and gave me a small smile. "I had a dream Gandalf that one day he will be defeated but it will not be by any of us. She will be the last of her kind, she will not understand who she is or what she is until the time is right. She will defeat him but there will be a cost to her. The darkness will enter her and it will either make or break her. She will have power beyond these worlds but how she will wields them depends entirely upon her and how the world responds. Will those who aim to help her turn her away? Will they push her into the arms of darkness and evil? I do not know the answers to these questions. And while you can stand there and tell me you will keep her from turning to evil, you will not know until much later if this will come true or not." She stepped back and beckoned for me to go. It was then that I knew they were getting ready to move again and hide. It was then that I realized there was nothing that I could do for this race, for they were doomed. This nemesis could not be taken down by them but by a child not yet born. I knew that as I mounted up and rode away that I would never see that couple again. Their fates were already sealed and they were okay with it.

Lanneth closed the book and it was only then that she realized she was silently crying. So it was Gandalf who had been writing all this down. Lanneth wondered then if the couple he had met were her parents. "They were your parents that I met. I can see the resemblance in your face. You have your father's eyes and your mother's hair." Lanneth looked up slightly startled only to find a kind and weary looking Gandalf standing before her. She had not even heard him come into the library, sneaky little wizard. He sat down next to her and looked at her very carefully as if unsure what to say, or perhaps he was trying to figure out which side she was on. "I have been banished from Mirkwood, from my home." Lanneth spoke quietly and bowed her head in shame. She was unsure why she just said that but it came tumbling out of her mouth like it was the most important thing that had to be said at that exact moment. "Even Elves make mistakes when they fear something that they do not understand or know. Thranduil was hasty in his decision to banish who most well beloved guard. The Kingdom has taken a heavy blow and it doesn't even know it yet. He will realize his mistake eventually. Now is not the time though to dwell upon a foolish King." Lanneth raised an eyebrow at the wizard noting the tone of his voice. There was no questioning him, his decision was made, there would be no more talk of the King of Mirkwood. "I have so many questions Gandalf but I fear you do not have the answers to them." He nodded his head in understanding, "You are right I most likely cannot answer your questions. I do not know what or who this dark mist is or was. I know that is took out an entire race of elves simply because they would not bow down to him."

"Will I become like that elf in your book? Will I become evil?"

"The choice is up to you Lanneth. How hard are you willing to fight to keep the light inside you from going out? I will not say that it will be easy for I am sure it will not. There will be times that make you think that it will just be easier to give up and give it but it is during those times that I hope you fight harder."

"Will I always have this darkness inside of me?"

"I do not know. Perhaps yes."

Lanneth uttered a small sigh, "Who will help me?" It was then Gandalf's turn to sigh, "I am afraid none of us have ever had to deal with this before and therefore it is all new territory for us. We will do what we can to help but I fear that you will have to do the majority of this on your own. Now I must go for I have a hobbit to visit. I am sure I will be seeing you again very soon Lanneth. Good day." With that Gandalf stood up and left the Elrond's library leaving left feeling very small and very alone. 

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