the family

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"my twin... skate park" and then she was dead too

now im headed to florida the second time this yea and s far ive seen 3 houses... and notvery small houses either... im 13 now and have been in and out of mental hospitals because of self inflicting pain. Evidently they found the 'perfect' home for me. they say perfect cause ill be the youngest so there will be no little kids for me to scare, and because its all boys so no girls will piss me off except the mother who used to be foster as well so she knows what im going through... i doubt it.

"Nikkie hun, we are here" my driver said... i call him MY driver cause he is the closest thing i have to family and im the kid he is always driving around... his name is Robertseeonoe, but i call him Rob. Ive known him since the accident

"Rob... do we really need to go over this... my name is Niketa... not Nikkie..." i said... he's always called me Nikkie since he found me and when i turned 13, 2 months ago i stopped allowing it.

"My bad darling... now come on lighten up... or else" he said and smirked... Rob isn't like other cops he juss turned 18 and is barely a cop he just watches kids like me and has lived on his own since 15... he knows one of my deepest secrets i pouted and stated in the car "im seriouse Niketa" he said grabbing my stuff and making sure not to touch my skate board.

"ugh" i sighed... "why cant i just live with you?" i asked as he sat my stuff down and made his way to the other door of the back seat.

"Because, now come on, this house is huge and beautifull and ive seen your room and you will love it it fits you perfctally. and yes you actually have a room not a basement" he said... i crossed my arms and next thing i knew i was getting dragged out of the car by my waist that he had a firm grip on

"Rob... let go!" i said trying to get a good grip on his hand so i could use a defence move he taugt me the fist 2 months i lived with him... as soon as i got a grip he squeezd my sides which caused me to squeal and start kicking.

"gonna stop pouting nowhe asked as he attackd my stomache... he was the only one that knew i was ticklish and exactly where

"YES! YES I PROMISE!!!!!!!!" i screamed and he stopped and picked me up to set me on my feet... i walked over a grabbed my skate board. i turned around and relized we were parked infront of a huge 6 story mansion "Holy s-" Rob put his hand ove my mouth

"Niketa watch your mouth" he said and started walking up the path to the front door with my suff.

"YOU DIDNT TELL ME IT HAD 6 STORIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i screamed loud enough to wake someone

"calm down hun" Rob said smiling "here comes the boys" he said ropping the stuff and walking behind me

"its almost noon..." i said... they should be in school right...

"dont worry they dont ditch... they are home schooled and are very excited to meet you... ive told them all about you except for the stuff that you need to tell them when you feel you can trust them." i nodded and hugged him good bye rove off i grabbed my stuff and skate boarded up to a bench and sat down

"THERE SHE IS!!!!" a tall boy yelled running towards me

"BOYS DONT SCARE HER" a women yelled... yea right she must not know me... the boy reached out and grabbed my arm

"DONT TOUCH ME!" i screamed and flipped him on his back, he had black and blond hair... half black half blond and ocean blue eyes... he was cute actually

"OW!" he screeched right as i heard 5 other boys laugh and walk towards me

"boys what did i tell you" a women came walking towards us with a stack of papers looking at them "i spacific..." she saw who was on the gorund and looked at me "what happened, are you okay" she asked looking worried, i looked at the boy and realized she was talking to me

"o yea im fine" i turned to the boy again... "are you okay? im sorry, im juss jumpy and dont lik bin touched"

"i can tell" he laughed and got up, "and yes im fine, sorry i ran at you, im just excited"

"its fine, im not hurt, your the one that said ow" i smirked he glared and his brothers laughed which resulted in a hitting fight...

"BOYS" the women ylled... "knock it off please... i dont need you scareing off your new sister" she said... i was shocked... she actualy called me their sister... like i was really in the family...

"uhm... what do you mean sister?" i asked thowing my hair over my eyes leaving a crack to see out of...

"your apart of this family... and it looks like you fit... uhm... Nikkie... right" she asked looking at the papers... it was obviose Rob wrote them...

"actually its Niketa... not Nikkie... not any more anyways... now its Niketa... Niketa Star Raven... or your last name actually... " i said after realizing my last name wouldnt be Raven since they actually wanted me, not the money...

"hun... your name is Niketa Star Raven... always will be if you want it to..." she said dropping the papers and giving me a hug... she grabbed my houlders and looked at me in the eyes... and thats when she saw it... saw them... my red eyes, blood red and scard covered face from my mother... "oh my Lord what has happened to you...?" she asked... i jumped away from her and grabbed my skate board

"my mother..." i said and sat down they all did only suddenly there was 7 boys and 1 girl...

"well... we can talk when you please too... ut right now we shall introduce our selves... i am Nayona, you can call me Ayona or something... and this is Damian, my husband, we live in the basement, were the ktchen and living room is..."

"hey there Niketa... im the dad of the family and over all potector" he said putting his hand out for me to shake "we will all protect you from anything its a father and brother job!" he said in a hero voice... he put his hand down realizing i would shake it

"Anyway" Ayona said after a short silence... "this here is Blaze" he had red and black hair, like me only u could tell his was dyed and not mine... "he is 14 and the youngest" she said he glared and looked away

"technically she is the youngest now!" he said... he was right

"that is true Blaze, im sorry... this is Ray he is 14 anda half, though you two have already met im asuming" she said... she was right, Ray is the one i flipped... "this little trouble maker is Emmett and he is 15... watch ur back on this guy... and ill keep your information papers out of his reach..."

"if thats possible to you see how tall he is... and why whats in those?" i said curiouse on what all Rob put in that thing

"you can read it after the rest of us have.. ill take one page out though when i give it to Emmett, though im sure the boys will tell him..." she smiled... "The man said to not let you read it till we all have had the chance to, but anyways this is Alexander but call him A.V. or he gets upset..." she said pointing to a blonde kid that had deep blue eyes... "and this here is Jasper... the deviouse one, he goes by J.D. but its up to you what you call him"

"dont call me Jasper... if you do..." i looked up at him to see a boy with black hair and ice blue eys, i immediatly looked back down and gasped... "ill find a way to get you back in those papers" the sound of his voice gave away the smirk and i looked up to get a better look of him and saw one eye was covered by black hair

"kk... Jasper... one thing you will learn fast is that i dont listen to that threatening crap" i said smirking back enough for him to see my fake vamp teath i got for my birthday...

"okay you too... no fighting... and last and oldest... K.J. or Keelan... its up to you i say again..."

"NO ITS NOT" He screamed... "its K.J. only " he said

"Keelan... please dont tell me what to do" i sighed...

"i wouldnt do that if i was you!" the boys all yelled and K.J. juss looked at my and smiked while shaking his head at me...

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