skate park trouble

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Niketa's Pov

we got to the skate park and they were right, it was awesome, it had a dip in ramp and everything "this is amazing" i said going over to the bigest ramp i saw

"NIKETA!" the boys all yelled and ran over blocking my way, i stopped and glared

"wat, im just gonna go down the ramp" i said trying to walk imbetween J.D. and A.V., they both grabbed one of my arms and stopped me

"that ramp is to dangerous, we cant even do it with out falling" J.D. said sighing

"boys, just let me show u how its done" i said grabbing here arms and jerking them off of me, i grabbed my board and ran towards the ramp, i got to the top and the boys were all headed up to stop me again, i put the baord down and went down the ramp, i got the the bottum and did a simple trick. the boys slid down on the butts and walked towards me, Blaze was the only one that looked upset, everyone at the park looked at me

"how the crap did u do that!" all the boys but Blaze kept asking, i shrugged my shoulders and walked over to Blaze who was leaning against the limo that got us here.

"hey, whats wrong" i asked leaning against the limo next to him. he looked at me and looked away

"you couldvve been hurt Niketa. we just got u, u need to be care ful, im not sure wat would happen if u got hurt on that." he said, i nodded, i didnt know he was scared. now i feel bad... wait, i never feel bad. i was fine wasnt i! he should be proud of me! ugh Niketa cant u just be great full

"Blaze im fine, u saw me, i didnt fall" i said elbowing him in the side gently, trying to send him the vibe that i was relly okay

"i kno, the whole park saw u its just that alot of the kids here wont leave u alone" he said i looked around and saw people stairing i sighed and looked back at Blaze

"im sorry" i said, "but come on, lets go" i grabbed his arm and pulled him over to the park, we skate boarded to the other boys. they were all in the ditch ramp... im not sure wat its called so thats my name for it.

"hey there u guys are" K.J. said and came over, he ruffled Blazes hair and earned a glare from Blaze.

"we were just talking" he said, i glanced around and saw a boy motioned me over, i looked at him confused and he just motioned again i looked at the boys, they were all over in the ditch, i walked over by him and sat down on the bench next to him

"uhm, hi" i said scooting away from him

"hey there sexy, im guessing ur the monsters new little sister right? he said looking at the ditch they were in

"uhm, dont call me that, and yea... but there not monsters, or not yet anyways... why did u want me over here?" i asked not likeing how he was tlking about my new brothers

"because, your cute, and any girl that looks like u deserves to be with me" he said, putting his hand on my kne, i pushed it off and got up

"dont touch me" i said backing away from him

"baby dont be like that" he said walking towards me

"im not ur baby, i dont even kno you, leave me alone" i started walking back wards, not wanting to turn my back on him

"im T.J.. now you know me, and dont tell me wat to do sweet heart" he said i backed into a wall, he put a hand on both sides of me and got close to me

"leave me alone, now" i said, rememering the name some how... oh yea, K.J. told me to stay away from him

"wat did i just say, i told u not to tell me wat to do" he said and slapped me across the face, i screamed in pain, looking down to see a 5 rings on his hand

"im sorry, i have to go, K.J. said..." he interupted me and grabbed my face

"K.J. told u to stay away from me... i kno, they never share, dont scream like that they will hear u!" he spt the last words at me... i then remembered wat Rob taught me, i grabbed 1 of his arms and twisted it putting it behind his back, he knew this trick and kicked a leg out from under me, i responded with flipping him on his back and jumping up, i could see the ditch and hear the boys, ecpecially Blaze, calling my name. all of a sudden my head hit the ground and i shreiked in pain again... i felt like i was with my mother again...

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