7th hour

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*Niketa's POV*

i walked into the gym wit my bag and skate board with Blaze and Ray on both sides of me, i got stare as i walked into the doors and emediatly heard the loud voices of my oldest brothers "RAY, BLAZE, NIKETA!" J.D. yelled we walked over to where they were standing and A.V. came over to me and grabbed my bag and put it with the rest of our familys stuff, i hadnt even noticed Ray and Blaze had put there stuff up, A.V. came back holding 2 papers and gave them to the gym teacher, the other boys did the same and he glanced at them all

"so everyday for the rest of the year, you 7 will leave school before it ends to go to Gymnastics and Karatee and ur skateboarding there? he said looking us over and stopping when he got to me, we all nodded "well okay, i guess thats okay since you will be getting excersize... by the waay im coach Skype, and here r your uniforms" he said giving K.J. a stack of clothes

"thanx" i said, he whipped his head towards me and sighed, your welcome... Niketa, im asuming..." he said i nodded "i thought one of the anetial boys would be a girl... but since your the only girl i guess it makes sence... and what are the rest of you called... i know you" he pointed at Emmett "must be Emmett, becuz of the base ball hat... it says your the jock of the family, is that right?" he asked he nodded and Mr. Skype pointed to K.J. and he nodded and stepped out of the line

"im K.J., this is J.D., this is K.J., the middle child is Emmett which u already kno, and then theres Ray, Blaze and of course Niketa" K.J. said, then whispered just loud enough for me to hear "before you ask, Niketa is the adopted one... but we treat her like one of us" he said and walked to a corner the boys all followed him and mr.Skype looked at me with sorrow

"dont feel bad for me, the boys are great... and im a strong girl... i can live with this" i said he nodded and i turned around

"Niketa" he said, i looked back "i hope you are tough... you are the only girl in this class" i looked at him in the eyes

"your kidding" i said

"nope... ur the only girl that has ever ben in this class so i made it an all boys and the princapal demanded that i put you in this class... i hope she knows wat she is doing..." he said... i frowend and walked over to the boys, they handed me a uniform

"Uhm... it might not fit... the small for them is like 2 sizes to big for ur small little body... you need like... tribble x small" Emmett said, i glared and snatched it from him, i went into the bathroom and changed

"holly crap, hes right" i said as the pants fell, i pulled them up and grapped the draw string pulling it as tight as a could, the shorts stopped in the lower part of my shin... the length was good but the fiting on the waaist... not so much. i put the shirt on and it went past my wait and was long enough to be a dress! i tied the back of it in a pony tail so it was shorter and folded up my clothes, i walked back out and the boys laughed "SHUT UP" i yelled laughing with them

"uhm... Niketa, you can give me 20 bux and i will order you a smaller uniform... maybe... uh, wat size would you like?" the couch said, i smirked and looked at Emmett

"Do they actualy make triple x small?" they all laughed and i looked back at the couch "get the smallest size u can and ill keep these shorts" he nodded and walked away i went back into the bathroom and changed back into my shirt and walked out, when i came out the boys were all chucking balls at eachother and i say Emmett dodging like crazy and throwing and catchy a ball every 3 seconds, i walked over to the couch and he looked down at me

"Raven you can be on the team with your brother's for today" he said handing me a black jersey, i putt it on and walked over to my brothers team and emedieatly got pelted with a dodge ball right in the gut, i fell down and clutched my stomach

"WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!!!" i head K.J. screach and ran over to me, he moved my hands from my stomach and saw i bruise the size of a fist start forming on my stomach he stood up and ran to a kid with curly red hair "what the heck are you doing throwing a ball with that much momentum and a girl thats obviously gonna get hurt!" he screemed into the kids face the couch ran over and backed him up

"K.J.!" i screamed, getting up and picking up a ball "im fine, lets play" i said puting a fake smile on. he came back over and i chucked the bal right at the curly haird kid and it hit him right were the sun dont shine, he fell to the ground and the boys all looked at me and smiled

"Curtily, off the court" couch Skype screamed, he got up and glared at me and i became the biggest target. i glanced at the clock and noticed wat time it was, we had 10 minutes till we need to leave. i looked back at the game and the other team was winning, i watched at how the threw the balls, curving at the last second, i watched theyre eyes and how the watched the ball and looked right were it would hit. it was A.V. Emmett and i lef, a ball came strait for me and i dodged it eaily, i jumped over another one landing in the splits and found using gymnastics made it easier, the next ball i remembered Alec's back tuck twist, i jumped up and dodged both of them at once, A.V. glanced over at me and started watching me and got hit in the shoulder, he walked off the court and grabbed my arm

"go change, we need to leave if we wanna get there in time" i nodded and turned around, 1 minute later Curly boy was on the feild and a ball made contact with my head, i urned around and gave him the finger, awarding a dirty look from Skype i turned to the bathroom and changed my pants and grabed my skate board, when i got out side the boys were out there doing ticks and talking about there fist day and dodge ball.

"holly crap sis, you were ninja in there" Emmett said grabing my back pack off my should and putting it on his back, but we will talk later, we gotta get going if you wanna get there on time" he said ruffling my hair and getting on his board, they all surounded me and wwe left, starting a race.

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