dinner and more school talk

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*Niketa's P.O.V.*

we were on our way to the resturwant... the best part was we were in a LIMO! they still had'nt told me were we were going to eat. i was sitting imbetween Blaze and A.V. they were talking about some skate park that i would like... "hey Niketa, we r almost there" Blaze said nudging me, i nudged him back and looked out the window to see a really big resturwant

"whoa" was all i said, we pulled into the parking lot and got out. we walked in side and Ayona looked at me

"Niketa darling, stick with the boys they will take you up to our sky dinner reservation, Ian and i r gonna be up there in a little bit" she said grabbing my hand and taking me over to K.J. "Keelin James you need to watch her if i find out you guys got into any trouble ill take away your limo privladges, now go on, hurry. we dont want them to think we missed our reservaion time" Ayona said pushing us all towards the elivator

"okay okay mother, we will get her up there and seated before you guys even get back, i promise, now hurry father doesnt eat his food cold" K.J. said tlking like he was as proper as could be. the boys all got on a sidee of me and walked me towards an elivator, the hit the bottun that had an 8 on it and we headed to the top

"why were you talking to her like you were really proper?" i asked when the elivator was moving

"because this is our grandmothers resturwant, we always have to tlk proper, now we r going to the 8th floor and Blaze will take you to your dressing room and you shoul see a black dress with a red hand purse and red heels, put them on, they have a note with them, o and ut on some of the make up and do your hair, we will be in our dresing rooms getting ready. we must look nice because our grandmother and grandfather will be there waiting on us." K.J. said tlking ast, we were at floor 7 and almost floor 8, when we got there they all ran in diffrent dirrections and Blaze grabbed my arm running me  to a door that said Star on it, he pushed me in

"hurry and get ready, my door is right there" he said pointing across the hall "if u need anything come get me" he said pushing me back and shutting the door. i looked around and saw the dress... it was simple black x back that goes around my neck, it had a slit on the left leg that went mid-thigh, the heels were bright red strap ons and the pues was mathhing with the heels i undressed and put it on dispite my rule of no dresses and looked in the mirror, brushed my hair and put it in 2 pigtails then put red lipstick on and black eye liner and mascera. i heard the boys in the hall way and came out, they all had mouth hnging expressions and just starred

"what!" i demanded, not likeing them stairing

"nothing, u just... u just cleen up nice" Ray said looking down, i looked at their cloothes, they all had black tux with something of them, Blaze had a red tie, Ray had white, Emmett had light blue, A.V. had gold. J.D. had black and whit stripped and K.J. had dark blue, they all looked nice

"o, thanx, u guys do to but arent we trying not to be late?" i asked walking back towards the elivator, tey blinked and ran towards me hitting the elivator button before i could, i got in and they all di to, again urrounding me "why do you guys surround me like ur gaurding me?" i asked rolling me eyes

"because mom told us to hide you because of your torn up clothing in a nice resturwant and because nowyou look so nice we dont want people to stare" J.D. said laughing a little, i looked down until i heard the ding of being on the 10th floor

"Come on, be carefull and watch ur step, we dont need u falling" A.V. said, Blaze was on my left and he grabbed my hand and squeezed it, i looked at him

"dont get nervouse by how they look at you, they arent very nice to any of us" he said, he let go and they all moved so i could see a beautifull sunset, then i realized the cold chill, we were outside, on the 10th story of the building... i see why they called it a sky dinner

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