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he was hitting me, grabbed my arms and shhok me, i felt as if i was with my mother again and i screamed again, earning another slap. next thing i knew the wait was off my stomach, and the hard ringed hands on my arms were replace with a warm hand holding my head up.

"YOU MORON! TODAY IS HER SECOND DAY YOU DONT KNOW WHAT SHE'S BEEN THROUGH HOW COULD YOU" i heard K.J. said, i opened my eyes to see K.J. and J.D. hold his arms like they held me when i was headed to the ramp, only now A.V. and Emmett were punching and kicking him, Ray was doing something by my side, his hands were bleeding. he probably got cut by a ring. i looked up and saw Blaze had blood on him too. i hoped he was okay!

"okay, ill leave the brat alone, stop you win" T.J. said, i heard him smack the ground. i looked over and he took off running. and the boys ran over to me

"NIKETA!" J.D. said "o my gosh, Niketa are you okay?" he asked, i didnt say anything, i couldnt... i couldnt get my mouth to make any noise to let them kno i was fine


"Blaze, she will be okay" Emmett said, i felt Blaze move away from me and his hands were replaced by K.J.'s and Emmett took Blaze away from me. i heard yelling, but my hearing was fadeing out, there were sirens and the last tthing i heard was K.J. say... "if u die, imma kill him!" and then i blacked out

i woke up in the hospital, i was surrounded by the family and 2 cops, there was a drawing of T.J. on the desk next to the bed. "o my gosh your okay!" i heard Ayona say, they all got up and surrounded me, Blaze looked like he was crying and the boys all looked pist, ecpecially Damian, Ayona was crying also "are you okay? you got some seriouse injeries" she said, i nodded and pointed to a cup by the sink "are you thirsty" she asked i nodded again and J.D. got the cup and gave it to me, i took a drink and started sitting up Blaze grabbed my shoulders and pushed me gently back down

"wat the heck!" i yelled getting my voice back

"Niketa, u have stiches on ur side, u need to be carefull" he said, i pulled up my shirrt a little and saw stiches from my belly button to my him bone, the kid cut m, it wwasnt Ray's blood... it was mine...

"o... how many places am i cut this time?" i said, not careing that i was in the hospital, i was all the time when i was younger, i didnt care about stitches, i got used to the dang things

"well, u have a black eye, a cut on ur lip, your cheek is bruised with one cut and a few scrathes, ur side and then... mom you tell her the other one, imma go to the gift store, wanna come Blaze?" K.J. said grabbing Blazes arm, he nodded and walked away, Ayona waited till he was gone to tell me

"Niketa, Timmothy gave u a cut on ur chest, it has 6 stiches, and he tried getting u down there but Blaze pulled him off first, Blaze doesnt know about ur chest, he will get extreamily mad, worse then right now... im so sorry" she said, i nodded and looked away trying not to cry

"Excuse me, im sorry Niketa, but i was wondering, u seem to be very mest up, we tlked to the family and they said its up to u... u can leave here if youd like, there is a family in..." i cut him off

"im staying here" i said planely "i dont care this is the best family ive had in a long time!" i yelled, "i love these people" i said, did really love tem? i knew they loved me, bu i dont know what love ruely is, everyone thas ever loved me has hurt me and left me...

"are you sure abou his Niketa?" the second cop said

"yes im sure now if u dont mind id like to talk to my family alone, be genle men and get my brothers." i s flatly, pointing towar the door. i actually felt bad for being mean for once...

"yes ma'am, we're glad u are comfortable here" he said, they left and it was quiet till Blaze and K.J. were back

"is she staying?" they both asked

"of course im staying" i said proudly laze smiled and all the boys did to, then K.J. and J.D. looked mad again... they looked at me then the adults, Ayona nodded her head and so did Damian

"NEVER WONDER OFF AGAIN!!!!" they yelled

"Niketa were you thinking at all, u know we are supposed to watch you and you just walk off without asking who he was or telling us were he was going, he could of killed u sis!" J.D. said

"and i told you to stay away from T.J." K.J. said, he was right but wrong

"U" I pointed towards J.D. "need to call down, im alive obviously" i rolled my eyes, earning a glare from them all "and U" i said pointing to K.J. "never told me wat he looked like, how was i supposed to kno!" i said laughing a little, i couldnt keep the laugh inside, it hurt to suck in and keep it inside

"she is right, boys leave her alone, we need to get home thoough cuz its gonna take a while to build a reall elivator since u" he looked at me "cant curl in a ball to get in ur elivator" he said

"then where will sleep?" i asked, getting nervouse

"well each floor has a guest room, and since Blaze is the floor u first wlk into, altho, its hard to tell cuz a small portion of his room is cut out for the entrance then there is a secret door way to his room" he said looking at Blaze who was itting down looking out the window :u will be sleeping in there. he said its his falt so he doesnt mind" he said, looking sad that he said it was his falt

"WAIT WAT!" i asked getting upset my self "it was not his falt, he sved me, he didn kno i would wander off, im the one that was being care less, he should be counted as a hero for throwing him off me to the other boys" i said Blaze looked at me and walked over he sat on the edge of the bed

"i should have watched you, im so sorry" he said i leaned up and caught his hands when he tried pushing me back down i gave him a hug

"please Blaze, its really not ur fault" i said getting up "whoa"' i said loosing my balence, i fell over landing on Blaze, J.D. came over and picked me up how Blaze did last night... or was it last night "thanx... but how long was i knocked out?" i asked, i came here thursday, so wat day was it?

"its sunday" Ayona said "but dont worry we wanted u to be okay and sleep" i sighed and tried to get out of J.D.s arms, i started squiming and he gave me a dirty look

"Niketa im not gonna put you down. Your on alot of medicine and need to stay off you feet till the medicine wheres off understood?" he asked. he actually sounded like a big brother and not just a friend, i nodded and looked away, making it obviouse that i was a little tict off

"o come on Niketa he is just looking out for you" Ray said, i shot him a glare and he shut up. we went down stairs and i got checked out, they gave Damian and Ayona some pills im supposed to take for 3 weeks and a needle with little bottle of some clear liquid

"what is that" i said pointing to the needle getting worried. J.D. quickly walked away from it accting like he couldnt here me. he dropped the subject and put me in the limo, laying me down on the seat in the back and bringing over a table and puored out the water to get me a soda

"im not supposed to let you drink soda... but aw well. water is disusting" he said i laughed and so di he, he looked at me and smiled "he you actually laughed!" he said excited, right as everyone got in

"wait who laughed?" K.J. said looking at me and smirking

"Niketa did, and it wasnt just a little hahaha laugh it was and actual laugh!" he said, the boys all looked at me and cheered, but you could still tell they were mad about T.J....

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