Ray, Emmett, A.V., J.D. and little bit of K.J.

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*Niketa's P.O.V.*

i just got done wiith Blaze and the parents and now im headed to Ray's floor... i cant beileve its a whole floor... Blaze atleast has the same style as me only he cant really tell my style cause im still in my Stamplen school uniform...

"Niketa are you headed to my room?" it was the stupid intercom thing that i could barely work

"yea, if this is Ray yes im headed up there" i said... im not afraid of these boys anymore since Blaze reasured me that they wont hurt me like my old family did and like the foster families had...

"okay cool, im opening the door so u can know when your there" he said and the intercom made a beep wich probably ment he had gotten off, i got up there and looked around before getting out, the room was huge, plenty of space with a table with a desk lamp in the back "are you gonna come out?" he asked sarcasticaly i jumped not realizing he was standing next to the opening

"o, uhm, yea" i said getting out, he shut the door and i walked over to the table, he was an artist, he had alot of drawing, and a folder with my name on it "what is it with you people having my name on things" i asked ppicking it up and opening it... there was pictures, drawing actually, of me... really good drawings

"o uhm, there nothing its just a little hobbie, its a secret actually so uh... dont tell anyone" he said tacking the folder and putting it on the top of a huge bookshelf and hiding the art stuff

*Ray's P.O.V.*

"uhm why is it a secret, your really good Ray" she said sitting in my chair, i turned away and just rolled my eyes

"cause its diffrent, none of our brothers do art im the only one and i dont want them knowing im diffrent in that way... you dont know what its like to be diffrent then the rest of your family Niketa... its not fun" i said turning away and putting up the rest of my stuff

"dont tell me i dont know what its like cause i do!" she said getting up and almost running to the elivator "i lived that way for 11 years! even my twin was diffrent!!!!" she screamed and reached into her pocket and flicked something at me "you shouldnt be afraid to be diffrent Ray" she said getting in the elivator "whats so bad about art"

"the fact that basically no guy does art" i said feeling sorry that i made her upset

"so its because its a girl thing!" she yelled "i suppose being a skater is a guy thing then!!!" she said and slemmed the elivator door shut i picked up the peace of paper and realized it was a picture, of her and her family, at least the man was, the rest of them all had purple hair, but one girl that looked like Niketa only with purple hair had a red necklace with and 'I' on it and Niketa had one with an 'N' on it... her twin

*Emmett's P.O.V.*

I heard screaming and an elivator door slam and knew she was on her way up... i got up and opened the door waiting for her to get up here probably still mad, she isnt the type of girl you piss off and excpect to get over it very easily, altho i wish i knew what made her mad and i know i cant talk to Ray about it cause him and i always clash when we talk and end up getting in a fight our selves... altho thats the last thing i want from my little brother...

"Emmett... whats so bad about being an artist?" i hadnt realized she had gotten up here, i shut my chemistry book and walked over to her, she had tears running down her cheek, i brushed them off and gave her a hug

"nothings wrong with it, Ray of all people should know that, he is an artist. he hasnt told us but we've seen the art left around in his room" i said looking at her and sitting down pulling her down with me

"he said he is diffrent from the rest of you and that i didnt know what it was like even tho 11 years of my life i spent being critisized cause i was diffrent..." she said pushing the hair out of her face and wrapping her hands around her knees

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