getting better

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Niketa's pov

it had been a month since i had gotten the stitches, they were gonna come out tommorrow... i was a little excited but in a way disappointed. i dont know how i feel about Blaze. i mean we are so close now... all of us are. not like brothers, but like friends. but its sometimes more then that when im with Blaze... i found alot of secret doors. i use most of them, they lead to rooms that have diffrent colored furniture and walls.... im normally in he black room tho, thats were i am right now, waiting on the boys to get home from a game with Damian and waiting on Nayona to get done with dinner

"Niketa, the boys are home" i heard te entorcom come on, i jumped and got up, grabbing my new i-phone and opening the secret door to leave

"okay, im coming" i said hitting the light as i walked through the hall way i was able to move more, but it sometimes hurt. luckly T.J. has been in juvi since i was in the hosspital... but he gets out on thursday... which is 3 days away...

"weres Niketa?" i heard Blaze ask, i walked through the door and J.D. saw me

"i found her" he said, blaze looked at e and smiled, i smiled back and then walked over and grabbed my medicine i had to ytake 2 shots, and 4 pills every day. one shot at 6 am and one at 6 pm, it was now pm and i took a pill every 3 hours, K.J. came over and lifted up my shirt next to my left hip, and helled my right and while Ray held my left, A.V. gave me the shot and Emmett gave me my pills. it was like this every day for a month, once i get the stitches out ill have a new shot to take. for the rest of my life ill be aking shots because he cut something on my chest thats important. the firsst time they had to givve me one i punched J.D. in the face, so now him and Blaze dont get near me, they just get me some water to take with my pills

"you much calmer now wit getting shots now" Blaze said getting off the counter and giving me my water.

"thanx, i still dont like it, but i guess i have no choice but to get used to it" i said, we told Blaze about it the 3rd night i stayed in his room, he has to help dress me some times, i wrapped in gause from 1 inch bellow my cut on my him all the way up to around my neck.

"sorry" the boys said, ever since i got out of the hospital they thought it was there fault

"boys, its not ur fault, its mine. i shouldnt have ran off on my own" i said, Damian agreed and walked over to me, helping me up

"itss no one but Timothy's fault, now boys, we have groceries to put away, Niketa... go find what your gonna wear to the hospital... the nurse said we can take ur stitches out today" he said, i ran out of the entry way and into Blazes room and into the guest room, "NIKETA DONT RUN YOU COULD FALL" i heard them all yell, they were to protective, including Nayona, i got my sweats and t-shirt that we got when we went shoping, i of course wass in a wheel chair... they were letting me brake the rules by walking, im supposed to still be in a wheel chair till the stiches are out... aw well, i just have to get in one out side and when we actually get there. i put my pant on and call Blaze into the room, he put on my sweat shirt over my p.j. shirt, i had felt no need to get dressed since today was monday and we dont have school for 2 weeks, we are going into school in te middle of the period... once we get into the school we will have 5 weeks till the end of school

"you excited to get the stitches out?" he asked, i smiled and nodded, we had both admited we had feeling for eachother, so it made getting changed less awkward but we were afraid of everyone elses reaction so we havent said anything about it

"kinda, but then ill be a whole 6 floors away from you" i said, looking a little upset

"yea, but we are still in the same house, and i can always pull my self up there" he said smirking, i smiled again and got up, i started to run back to the family and he grabed my arm "Niketa, stop running, im seriouse, u could fall and hurt your self, please just walk" he said, i sighed

"fine... but walking is no fuun" i said frowning, he knew i was joking... its weird how a month ago i couldnt trust anyone, but here... i was so close to trusting them, im not afraid too sleep or to eat, i can laugh and smile without getting hurt... they havent even swatted at my hand like my dad did when i was younger...

"come on, the sooner u get those stitches out u can see your suprise" he said, i stopped, thats one thing i despise

"what surprise" i asked flatly

"the suprise we have for you when ever we leave the hospital" he said joy fully

"Blaaaazzzzzeeeee... i hate surpriseeeeeeeeesssssssss>" i said getting anoyed, he picked me up and started walking

"get used to it... sis" he said, mocking me, we frequatly call eacother siblings, to go along with what Ayona and Damian want, i tried calling them my parents but i couldnt do it... not right now atleast

i just got the stitches out and i immedeatly took off running back to the llimo, i got in my spot and lookedd out the window, waiting on the boys, i was still wrapped ni guaz on my chest but now my stomache was guaz less, finally! "Niketa guess wat!" i head K.J. yell, i peaked my head around the door and looked out the window, he was already by the limo with J.D. and A.V. on both sides of him "Blaze, Ray and Emmett are getting you medicine while Mom and Dad check you out... your side is all better now... how do you feel?" he said, they were now in the limo and i was sitting in the corner seat with A.v. on the other side of the limo sitting in the corner sat and J.D. was on one side with K.J. on my right side, the cut sidde...

"im fine, ive wanted those out since the 2nd week..." i said, getting suspecious

"cool..." J.D. said "but ya kno... since you had stitches, we never were able to get revenge..." he said, K.J. started to rub his index finger on my side, i started to smile and figured out wat was going on... revenge... i got up and tried getting out of the limo, J.D. grabbed me gently and put me down on the seat A.V. came over and grabbed my arms and J.D. and A.V. lightle scratched my sides, i started laughing and tried getting away again, J.D. squeezed my side and i squealed "are you ever gonna call us by our first names?" they asked

"NO!" i screamed "I PROMISE, PLEASE STOP" i screamed, the came to a sllow stop and AV. let me go, i turned around and punched K.J. and J.D. both in the stomach, the grabbed there stomaches and A.V. grabbed my arms again

"that wasnt smart sis" K.J. said leaning forward

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