this school is weird

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all i could hear was some one saying my name, the voice was getting louder and i felt someone shaking me, i opened my eyes and saw Ray

"Niketa, come one the bell rang, ur gonna make Blaze late" he said i nodded and looked at my once blleding arm, it was fine, there was nothing there, not even a scar. i got up and walked out of the class and saw Blaze, he looked at me and smiled

"fall asleep on ur first day little sister?" he asked i nodded and yawend he grabbed my hand and walked me to my locker, i got my stuff and we walked across the hall he let go of me and pointed towards a door acrossed the hall i nodded and he walked ahead of me, i dropped a book and bent down to grab it and someone ran past me a hit my shoulder, i looked up and saw the back of T.J's head. i ran into the room and dropped my stuff i grabbed Blaze and gave him a hug crying into his chest "whoa Niketa whats wrong" he asked pushing me back

"T.J. i said, he glared and walked out of the class room

*T.J.'s POV*

i saw her bend down and grab her paper slammed into her shoulder and kept walking, i heard her start crying and glanced back to see the youngest giant start following me, i made a sharp turn into a class room and stood by the teacher, i turned around and saw Blaze glaring at me, i smirked as we walked towards me "Whats wrong you little twirp" i asked mocking his older brothers

"Leave Niketa alone T.J., she didnt do anything to you" he said i laughed

"ha, very funny, because of her i went to juvi, that little brat is gonna get set riht by someone and since it wont be your parents it will be me and my brother" i said, i looked up and got a smirk, i glanced and saw the teacher was replaced by J.D. the twirpts big brother

"no one will be setting Niketa right, we will just set you right!" he said pushing me against the wall "Blaze, i got this, get to class and dont be late" he said in a stern voice, the twirp didnt move "now Blaze!" he yelled, he ran out and J.D. dropped me to the floo, kicking me in the stomach and walked away, he sat down in the first row right as the bell rang... making me late to class again.

*Niketa's POV*

Blaze walked back into the classroom and got in his bag and pulled out the files, he gave them to the teacher right as the bell rang "where did you go" i asked him

"i followed T.J." he said i saighed

"he's bigger then you Blaze" i said, he glared at me and a gave me a brotherly shove and the teacher looked up

"Niketa, and Blaze... such difrent names but very interesting, Niketa, you will sit next to Jingels" she said, i remembered that name and looked in the back to see the girl from 1st hour, i nodded an walked back there

"hey i have you in this hour too thats so great i can help you with stuff and omg this will be fun, im really good in history so if you need help just ask" she said i laughed and sat down

"i thought this was math, i just had history i think... im pretty sure thats the class i slept in..." i said, she giggled as Blaze came over and sat infront of me and handed me my schedual

"this is math, but actually its geometry" she siad laughing again

"uhm... okay, well i know nothing about geometry so..." i said, Blaze turned around

"its shapes... thats all, it would be more but we only have 5 weeks left of school so we are just doing fun stuff" he said, i nodded

"so your in almost all of my clases except last hour, i think you have gym, i took gym last summester, the gym your in is for the athletes, the ones that with just a little training could do alot of skills, oh and i guess you have music with me, we are laerning how to play the electric guitar, have you ever played the electirc guitar, im more of a dancer then anything but i guess its gonna be fun, what do you do, are u a instoment player or a dancer or a singer, are you smart, are you a cheer leader, do you do sports" she breathed " do you cook are you a couch potato i highly doubt it because you are so thin... hu hu hu hu hu!" she asked i gave her a look and Blaze was laughing "wat do you do!" she asked again

"o, uhm, im just... everywhere i guess" i said she smiled

"yay yay yay, that means you actually belong here, because if thats how you are then this is the place you should be because this school is for talented people and in this school we try and make eachother famous with what we do and wat we like to do.... oooooooooooooooo do you act, i know you can paint because you and Mr. Teal painted eachother, o i like Mr. Teal he is nice to me and..."

"Jingels CALM DOWN!!!" the kids and teacher yelled, she stopped and blushed, they started laughing and so did she

"sorry bout Jingels, she is kinda out there, she is still a little kid in some ways but she is pretty awesome once you get to know her, and she is right this school is for talented people which is probably good for you because you sure do look like youve got talent and your shirt says it all" a boy with light brown hair said looking down at me

"uhm... okay" i said backing away

"o, dont be scared" he stuck out his hand "im Binet" he said i grabbed his hand

"Niketa" i said and let go, walking over to Blaze, everyone was up and talking like there was no such thing in math. the bell rang and Blaze grabbed my bag and walked me out the door, Ray was already there and Blaze vanished, Ray grabbed my arm and walked me out of the class.... this kept happening till 7th hour...

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