birthday part 1 and Blaze

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Niketa's pov

Ive been going to this school for 3 months and next week is the last week of school, im not gonna lie, im gonna miss Jingels, alot, we have actually became best friends. she has spent the night every weekend since the 2nd month i was there. the weird thing is is that im closer with Blaze then anyone else... in the entire school! we are always hanging out and in eachothers rooms, our brothers keep making kissie faces at us! its anoying but its strange, i think of Ray, Emmett, A.V., J.D., and K.J. as brothers, and mom and dad... as mom and dad, but Blaze... Blaze is just Blaze, the bff that i go to for anything...

"Niketa! come on, your gonna make us late to practice!" K.J. screemed up the elivator "you know if you miss this last practice you wont be in comp now lets go! grab your stuff" he screammed, i jumped out of bed and put my gymnastics uniform on, with my karatee uniform over it, i grabbed my bags and shoved them in my elivator, reeling them down as fast as i could, i felt it stop and the wait get tooken out, i reeled it back up and got in, i felt it start rolling down before i had a chance to pull it on my own and ended up on the bottumm floor before i even turned the light on.

"sleep in late lil sis" the guys are laughed and dad grabbed my arm, pulling me to the table were mom had ponies and and a box with me name on it, wrpped up in paper. he sat me down and got me some coco puffers.

"take off your uniform shorty" dad said, he has started calling me shorty ever since Blaze hit a growth sprout making me offgiciallly 4 inches shorter then the second youngest. i did as i was told and started eating

"wats with the boz" i asked gesturing towards it with my spoon

"the boys got you a present, as you know its May, next week is the last week of school, and we kow you have been keeping something from us... birthday girl" i stopped eating, my spoon fell out of my hand, i hadnt been called that since i was 11, she was right, i forgot, i was hiding it tho... today, im turning 14!

"omgeez, i completly forgot, i havnt been called thatt since i was 11! i screamed, mom glanced down, she always got upset when she thought about wat the foster parents had done to me.

"open the box sis, come on we are waiting and so anxious!" K.J. said as he grabbed the bowl of cereal away from me, J.D. smirked and pushed the gift towards me, i unwrapped it and saw a black, lime green, neon blue, and hot pink shirt, i grabbed it and realized it wasnt a shirt! it was a new gymnastics leatard, it had long sleaves that made a tip at my middle finger and it had a finger slot for just my middle finger. i turned it around and on the back it said "Niketa" in a sperkling bright red

"OMGEEZ!!!!!!! THIS IS AMAZING!" i screamed, the boys laughed as i ran to the bathrrom to change, i put it on and it fit me perfectly!, i ran out to show them and was greeted by 3 more huge presents "how many present are there" i asked right before K.J. J.D. and A.V. attacked me

"they are for after practice sis" they said as they all three started tickling me, i screamed and dad came over and got them off me as Ray came over and helped me up, i made my pouting face and walked over to my dad

"daddy... the boys were mean to me" i said giving him a puppy dog face, since im his first and only little girl he melts right into my palms he sighed and glared at his boys

"apoligyze" he said sternly, they looked toward me

"sorry" they said in unision

i laughed and ran over to Blaze, grabbing his hand and my Karattee uniform shirt, i got in the limo followed by everyone else ad we headed to the gym




When we got home from practice, they wouldnt let me inside so instead i grabbed the J.I.C. (just in case) skate boards and went to the backward, i was working on making a new ramp, ive made 6 in the last 3 months, this one was gonna be the tallest and steepest, i just got done making it, i put the last ladder step in and climbed to the top, i stood up and put my board on the edge NIKETA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i heard a voice scream,... startled i i juped and fell down the wooded ramp, i heard multiple pairs of feat run towards me "o my gosh! is she okay" the sae voice cried, someone grabbed my arm and rolled me over, i saw Blaze first and he picked me up

"guys, im fine... it was actually kinda fun" i saidd laughing a little, the all sighed and glared

"not funny, you really scared us there Niketa" K.J. said walking away, they all followed except Blaze, who was still holding mehe looked at me and sat me down on the flat ramp, he grabbed his shirtand rippede it off, putting it up to my face, i licked it and he pressed it to my fore head

"wat were you thinking Nik, you kno how we feel bout this, u scared me" he said, he started calling me Nik ever since Couch Sype said i was one of the guys

"im sorry" i said wincing at the pain of the shirt against my head

"you kno dad aint gonna be to happy bout this, look at you head and side when u get inside, Niketa i care about you, i dont want you getting hurt" he said, i zoned out before he was done lecturing me, i was lost in his amazing eyes "Niketa are you listening to me" he asked

"yea yea, i kno, ur not happy, niether are they guys, but im fine Blaze" i said giving him my sorry face, he chuckled and picked me up again, i wrapped my arm around his back

"Niketa, wait" he said stopping and setting me on the ground "i wanted to wait tll your birthday to give you this, i really like you Niketa, more then a sister, or friend" he pulled a dimond heat necklace from his pocket, "Niketa, i loe you" he said, and blushed

"i love you too Blaze" i said, blushing as well, he turned me to were i wasnt facing him, he put the heart around me and i lifted up my hair, he latched it into place and i looked at it... it read "Niketa" on it i turned around and jumpped to him, he hugged me and picked me back up, we got inside and went to his bathroom, he was right about being scratched up... my forehead was bruised and scratched and my side was as well. "Blaze, u go, ill clean up" i said, he grabbed my waist and kissed me, i gasped and kissed back, he took my shirt off and i did the same to him.... then he stopped. he handed me a wrapped box and told me to get dressed he walked out and put his shirt back on. i opend the box and saw a dress that was blaze with bright red x straps in the back, i put it on and saw a note

Dear Niketa

   Hey, i love you, its Blaze, i got this dress for only u, if u rub you finger on the tage the dress will have red sparkles, i love you, see you tonight, when you come down stairs we will all be gone, but dont worry, Leo knows were to take you.

i got dressed and went downstairs and out to Leo's limo, i got in and we left.

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