Childhood of a Warrior

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Astrid was a young child. A child of Athena. She's a demigod. She has family, but not close family. So here we have the story of Astrid's Childhood.

Astrid was around seven or eight at the time. She was with her sister, Diana. Diana was her older sister by two years, always attempting to be better than her. The girls had a father who adored them greatly, the two girls had to grow up without a mother, however. The girls were out ice skating on a lake by their cabin in the forest, the smell of pine and snow like home to them. They were so happy, ignorant young girls. That was when everything came crashing down. But what would a story be, if it just jumped to the climax? Astrid was alone after her sister left, going back to the house to prepare their dinner. Astrid simply skated around, becoming slightly bored. She passed the open cave mouth that towered above her. Abandoned for centuries. Or so we thought.

Astrid just kept on skating around, when she past the cave mouth once more, however, a thundering roar erupted from the cave. Astrid screamed and flailed out her arms, losing her balance and falling down. A hydra stepped out of the cave and Astrid screamed at the top of her lungs. She knew what this beast was. She knew that her doom was near. But the whine of steel as it slid out of a scabbard in front of her interrupted those thoughts. There her father stood, crouched in front of her. Astrid knew it was too late. The hydra had seen them.

"Astrid. Run." That's all her father said to her. She knew that if she ran, she wouldn't see her father again. Ever.

"No! I refuse to leave! I don't think you've noticed, but I don't take orders!" She yelled back, her hand quivering as she strung her bow that was always with her.

Astrid's father gazed at her with sorrow, but there was a hint of pride in his eyes. She knew that she was his young warrior. She never did like to be called a princess. He knew that she'd lay down her life, for her family. Her bravery was far greater than anyone would've anticipated, but they were wrong. She was petrified.

"My little warrior..." Astrid's fathers gaze lifted to the hydra that was getting closer. "Please... Go. I love you. Don't ever let someone put you down. You are a warrior and you can fight. I'll be watching you, from the stars. I will be with you forever." He lied a hand over his heart, indicating that he'd be there for her. She didn't feel it. She stared numbly as the hydra approached.

The hydra attacked with lethal swiftness. Astrid's father held it back as Astrid ran. She ran to their house as she heard shouts of anguish. Pain. She nearly knocked the door off its hinges as she burst through. "DIANA! RUN! THERE'S A HYDRA!" Astrid shouted at her sister, tears streaming down her face. This couldn't be happening.

Diana just stared at her. Then she bolted. She grabbed Astrid's arm and they ran. Ran through the snow and the forest. Leaving their home behind. They heard the roar of the hydra. It was over. The hydra had won.

The girls were escaping as it happened. The girls' father had fought valiantly. But it was to no avail. He cut off the hydra's heads, but that didn't work. They just grew back. That's when the putrid beast blasted hot fire at his face. The man dodged, only to find a hydra's jaws closing around him. It was the end. He merely whispered, "I love you, my warriors. You will fight together. Don't be separated. And don't let something like this push you down into the dark..." That's when the monsters jaws closed around him. With a sickening crunch, he was gone. Vanquished from this existence.

Astrid and Diana ran. They ran and ran until they couldn't run. Astrid broke. She was in that darkness now. She could feel it like an iron glove, tearing at her heart and very soul. The loss of her father had snapped her. Snapped her into that broken, heartless warrior. Astrid dropped to her knees in the snow, her head dropping. Her breath clouded like ghosts around her and disappeared. Diana stopped, kneeling next to her sister.

"Astrid... Please... You have to get up. We have to keep going. Father would've wanted us to." Diana did her best. She couldn't coax Astrid from the ground.

"No. Everything is not alright. This pain. This is what I have to remember. I swore I'd never lose someone so important to me. I snapped that promise." Astrid eyes had turned dull as she sat, hugging her knees to her chest. This was what pain was. This was like an icy slap to the face. Astrid's face, tormented in pain.

"Astrid. You have to get up. You have to fight. This isn't what father would've wanted." Diana was broken too. Shattered. But she could pull through. She had to. For someone broken and shattered, she had to piece together. Somehow she knew that Astrid couldn't be pieced together this easily though.

And that's when it happened. A roar erupted through the trees. Astrid couldn't take it. She bolted, a warriors cry escaping her lips. She would end this beast, or die trying. Astrid dashed as her sister screamed and tried to run after her, but Diana wasn't fast enough.

Astrid screamed as she saw the hydra, picking up her fathers sword. He had called it Spirit. Astrid had her own sword, Flame. She pulled it out and leapt into the air, a furious flame dancing in her eyes. The hydra didn't have too many heads, but there was still a good amount. That's when something truly extraordinary happened. Spirit and Flame hummed, then burst into flames. Astrid was like a death cloud, whirling through the air. Her swords seemed to do a dance as well, the flames spinning and warping. She sliced off a head, the neck singed. The head didn't grow back. She attacked another, then another. Finally two slammed into her, sending her flying into the forest. Spirit and Flames's Fire burnt out. The hydra crawled back into its cave, severely hurt.

Astrid was also hurt. Bloodied and bruised. Diana wasn't anywhere to be seen. Diana had fled from the danger, knowing a suicide mission when she saw one. Astrid lied in the snow for a while, her ruby red blood tainting it. The smells of pine and snow had a metallic tang to it. It was her blood. Astrid and Diana had been separated.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the first part of Astrid's little backstory! If you know me from QuizUp from the Roleplay, Camp HalfBlood, then hi! I really enjoyed writing this little bit of the story. Should I continue? Maybe I will. We shall see. If I have succeeded in ripping out your hearts and filling them with sadness, THEN MISSION COMPLETE! YAY! Sorry. Astrid is supposed to be broken. This is what happens when I'm allowed to write a story. I'll see you guys next time, if I write another part, SO STAY TUNED! :) Bye!

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