Travel Through Darkness

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Astrid awoke to Glint shifting in his nest, standing up with a flurry of his wings.

"Morning sleepy head." Was all she said the the bird as she stood and stretched. She had put the laurel wreath in her bag and made sure to hide it. Glint rolled his eyes and picked her up without another word to be said, heading off in the same direction they were going last night.

For what seemed like hours, they flew. All they saw was pine trees and snow. It was barren where Astrid had lived, it was a wonder she even survived there. They saw the occasional break in trees and a frozen over lake, sometimes with fishing holes in them.

Soon enough, there was a break and almost abruptly, the snow and pine ended. It was more of a plain, and cottages started to litter the plain. Astrid was awestruck, but slightly at a loss. She couldn't smell the familiar scents of home, that wooded pine smell mixed with fresh snow. It had slowly vanished, leaving her more in the dark than ever. Would she ever return? She didn't know. All she knew, was that she wasn't home anymore and she wouldn't be for a long time. The scents were replaced with grass and dew. The air was easier to breathe here, having lived more in a mountainous region it was different. The air change hit her like a tidal wave.

Past more and more homes was a sudden and abrupt towering mansion. Astrid's expression matching Glint's, they landed delicately. They obviously weren't excited. They stepped up to the mansion, Glint wrapping a wing gently around Astrid as if to protect her.

Suddenly a woman burst out of the mansion, her face merry and joyful. She didn't seem to notice Glint as she squealed and wrapped Astrid in a hug. "My little princess, oh how it's so great to see you again!" She said, and oh how Astrid hated it.

Yup. This was her Aunt.

A young girl rolled her eyes and stepped out of the mansion, clad in a casual blue and grey striped jacket to match her top underneath. She had dark blue hair, her hood hiding the top of her head. She saw Astrid and smiled, walking towards her.

Aunt Amelia started to pinch Astrid's cheeks and Astrid slapped her hands away, quieting her cooing words. "Aunt. Stop it. I'm not a child," Astrid spoke to her aunt in bitterness.

Her aunt clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes, "Right. I tell you, all that snow and mountains gets right to your heart, freezes it over completely."

"Good." Was all Astrid could say to her aunt as she walked past her and embraced her cousin, her mouth quirking upwards into a grin. "It's good to see you again, Erin."

"Same to you, Astrid." Her cousin said, smiling at her. Her smile soon diminished as she looked at Astrid closely. "Something is wrong. Astrid, I'm here for you."

Astrid could barely meet her cousins gaze. Tears were threatening and she refused to cry. "My father is dead," She choked on the words as she said them, forcing them to come out of her mouth.

Astrid's Aunt started shoving Astrid inside, cricketing something about how sorry she was and the awfulness of the event. Astrid couldn't hear what she was saying though, it was difficult to comprehend and even after that rush of new air, she seemed to be choking. She instantly stopped her aunt though, and pointed at Glint, "He's coming too."

Astrid's aunt stares at her, dumbfounded. "Now you can't mean that, peach." She looked at the Griffin and scowled scornfully.

Suddenly Astrid gripped her aunts chin in her hand, "He's coming in. If it weren't for him, I'd be dead." She said with more scorn than a child should ever use in their tone, "And never call me peach again." She stated as she walked past her aunt and into the mansion.

  It was just as luxurious as she remembered. It disgusted her. She hated that they were so much better off and never offered help. Well at least she could stay here for a while, that was alright. She intended to leave when she could, she knew her aunt would want to keep her around as long as possible. It was very annoying that she always called her "peach" or "princess." She despises those nicknames! She was a warrior! Not a pretty, pristine little princess!

   She scowled and walked up to her room that she'd stay in. Her aunt cooed at her from the bottom of the stairs, talking about how much she's grown.

    As soon as Astrid had settled, her aunt came bustling through the door with a bunch of jewelry and outfits that Astrid instantly despised.

   "If you're staying in my house, then you will not be wearing around armor. You'll look like a fine young lady, and will have the neighbor hood boys swooning over you." She said simply.

   Astrid glared like a thousand knives, and gritted out each word, "Over. My. Dead. Body." Her aunt sighed and set the dresses down beside her. Astrid refused to grow up as a princess. No wonder her cousin always complained about her mom when they were younger. They ended up having a war of glaring, one wanting to be a warrior, the other wanting her to be the prettiest little lady on the block. "And I'm keeping on my armor."

   "How dare you refuse these fine dresses I've picked out for you! Why would you want the children to fear you?!" Amelia threw up her hands, flustered.

   "Because they will need to know that I'm not to be messed with. And I refuse to let the think I'm a spoiled little brat!" She spat out with disgust. Her aunt looked offended as she stormed out of her bedroom. Astrid crossed her arms and lifted her chin haughtily. No one would order her around. Over my dead body, idiots. She thought scornfully.

The story of Astrid WingfieldWhere stories live. Discover now