Awakened Spirit

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Astrid didn't move an inch. It was like she was gone. She was utterly enraged. She hasn't killed the beast, but she saw it now. She was a warrior and she couldn't die, her father had wanted her to live. So she'd live. But she would return.

She wasn't sure how much time had passed as she lie there, her blood dried. She looked at her back and had a long scab across her back. It ran from her left shoulder to her right hip, only then did she feel the pain. She clenched her fists as she refused to cry out in her obvious pain. Then she looked at her left arm, it was disgustingly dislocated. Astrid knew what she had to do, it was going to be painful and difficult, however.

Astrid stood bravely and backed against a tree, maneuvering her shoulder correctly and applying pressure as she popped the bone back into place. She doubled over, clutching her shoulder. She ground her teeth together, eyes flashing. But then she stood. She shoved her pain aside and slunk through the forest.

"I have to return home and get the supplies I can... I'll see Diana again in the future. I know I will." Astrid gave herself confidence as she saw the lake that she skated on so often. She stifled a cry as she saw blood on the ice. She knew it wasn't the Hydra's, it was her fathers. She bowed her head and sank to one knee. She murmured, "Father. I will not let your sacrifice be in vain. You were right, you will live on. You will be there for me. I have disobeyed you, I'm in that darkness you told me to avoid. But Father, I will come back. And I will never let your light fade. You had an impact on this Earth." A tear gathered in her eye and she let it fall down her face, standing up. Her eyes seemed shadowed over.

She walked to her house and entered the safety of it. Taking a burlap bag and filling it with supplies. A few knives, different utensils, a canteen that she slung over her shoulder, and a few extra layers of clothing. That's when she spotted it, a set of daggers. She found a smaller bag with a bunch of sheathes outlining it. She strapped it to her leg and sheathed all the daggers. She grabbed her armor and put it on, along with her face mask/hood. She put it over her head, it hung over her shoulders and she pulled it up over her mouth.

She exited, looking more like a warrior than a small child. She realized then that she'd have to grow up faster that anyone her age should've. Her swords and bow strapped across her back, a necklace with a sterling silver bow hanging around her neck.

She walked away from her house, the snow falling on her shoulders gently. Night was falling and she knew she'd have to figure something out, a living arrangement. Then it hit her, her aunt. Her Aunt Amelia and her cousin, Erin. She only remembered visiting them a few times, and she'd been in a wagon. But then she heard a screech overhead.

Looking up, she found that a griffin was coming towards her, she ducked and the big beast soared right overtop her. She looked back up and it landed, looking slightly less ferocious than it should've. It screeched and she stepped away from it, backing into a tree.

  The griffin was in front of her in moments, it became clear he didn't want to hurt her. Astrid swallowed any fear showing and gazed up at the griffin steadily.

  "Do not be afraid. I know you're alone and scared. But I understand. It's ok, human." The Griffin spoke with his mind to her.

  "Thank you. I'm trying to find my way somewhere and I needed transportation. I was going to get a horse from the stables, but now you're here." She replied out loud. This Griffin was a curious one. She'd never met a Griffin before, so she wasn't one to judge.

   "Come with me." Was all he said before lightly catching her shoulders in his claws, lifting her high up into the air. She could see very well from up there, though she still couldn't see the end of all this pine and snow.

   "I'm going to call you Glint." Astrid stated with clarity. The Griffin seemed shocked to be given a name.

   "Very well." He replied easily. It was wonderful to have a friend, Astrid was always rather alone.

   They traveled far in a short amount of time, still within the snowy taiga. Glint landed easily, it was like landing on an airplane with a great pilot. Astrid didn't say a word as she made an indent in the snow, big enough for a Griffin. She picked up some twigs and branches and arranged them in a nest shape.

  "Sleep until you're ready to fly again." There was the army commander side of her, taking care of her soldiers. She cared for others more than herself, really. Glints eyes lit up at the thoughtfulness. He chirped like a baby bird and hopped into the nest, burrowing into it comfortably.

   "You know, for not being a bird, you didn't do a bad job of making a nest." Glint said humorously in her head.

   "Oh shut up you big bird and go to sleep." She simply responded, laughing ever so slightly. She sat down against a tree as Glint fell asleep. Astrid could build a fire, but she didn't want to. She felt she deserved the stinging cold of the night.

   Astrid sat awake for hours, looking at all the deep gashes in her arms that would scar for certain. Her armor became heavy on her shoulders as she hugged her knees to her chest. This was the time she would spend to mourn. She was upset, it was a clear given. She didn't like to be upset around others though, it seemed like she needed caring for then. But that was the least thing that she wanted, to be cared about. The last person who cared about her was in the stomach of a well alive hydra. She lied down on her side and stared out into space, her eyes filling with tears.

   She sat like this for hours, hoping Glint wouldn't awaken to her quiet sadness. She knew she'd have to do something about her loss, so she grabbed some leaves, twigs, and flowers that survived the cold. For the first time in her life, she was making a laurel wreath. She quickly wove everything together in a circle. She was finished quickly and sprinkled some snow around it, and in front of her was something that she'd put on a grave someday. Someday when she returned. Sleep overtook her soon enough though, making her lapse into darkness.

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