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Guys! PLEASE remember, I really need opinions! I know that I really should upload more, but I want to know what you guys want out of my chapters! Thank you again my kitties!

   Astrid settled in the camp at a late time at night. The moon was shining down on her as if in approval... She was just a monster that couldn't be contained. And she loved it.

   She had her own tent, a black one with red spider webbing throughout it. It was beautiful, dark. Dark like my heart and soul. She snorted at her thought in her head.

   Curling up, she found that the bedroll she was on was indeed comfortable, being a girl of mountains and cold, she loved the comfort much more than that silly bed of hers at her aunts house. That bed was always odd to her... It was a pink canopy bed at first. She was disgusted with it to be honest. So she asked- no, commanded, her aunt to change it. It was changed into a beautiful black bed with a navy blue canopy. Yes, her aunt had insisted she kept the canopy. She rolled her eyes as she remembered the very loud argument.

   She tucked her head into the pillow and stretched out like a cat. She seemed... Just so grown up now... The child she was before had simply disappeared. Heat pricked her eyes as she remembered her childhood. No... She thought to herself. That innocent girl was gone forever. Darkness and a warrior was what really what described her now. She couldn't go back. Ever.

   She stayed awake for most of the night, not trusting her new surroundings. You never knew who could really hate you. Despise your very being, for what reason though? Astrid knew her new position could be... Intimidating or dangerous.

   Suddenly sleep took her as she felt a rag clamp over her mouth, a scent filling her nose and overpowering her brain. It sent her crashing down instantly. She tried to fight with what consciousness she had at that moment, a quick elbow to the face which rewarding her with a nice crack as she knew she broke her attackers nose. Sleep overcame her, but she had a smile on her face, knowing she'd just caused a lot of trouble for herself.


    She was abruptly awoken, her head snapping forwards as a snarl made her teeth show and her lip curl upwards. She actually had surprisingly sharp canines. Sharp enough to do a lot of damage, she smiled at the thought of being able to spill the blood of her enemies with just her teeth.

   She noticed something then. There was someone else. A masked person sitting in a chair. The mask was completely black, slightly made to look like a wolf. Astrid cracked her neck and yanked at the chains the held her.

   The masked figure smirked in amusement. Astrid's eyes went wild as she yanked against the chains, growling deeply. She did not find this amusing.

   The masked person stood up and chuckled, shaking their head. "Sorry, Artemis girl, but that won't do much good for you. I've seen you, I know how much you'd love to rip me to ribbons right now with your bare hands. But, those chains will hold you back. Don't worry, you'll have company soon." He said, walking over and patting her cheek.

   Astrid snarled again and this time used all her weight, crashing her skull into the mans head. She looked up and smiled at the damage she'd done. A broken nose, eye that was swelling, and blood trickling from the corner of his mouth.

  The man shook his head again and wiped the blood away from his mouth. "It would do you better not to tempt fate, girl," he said. He was still amused it seemed. Astrid's smile turned into a frown to see that her actions hadn't fazed him at all. The man left without another word.

   Astrid stayed where she was for a while, contemplating why exactly she was kidnapped... I knew my position was dangerous... I should've been more careful and fought a little more. No way would I ever scream and be a damsel in distress, I can take care of myself. She thought these things to herself firmly, as if commanding herself to get the strength to free herself.

   No... She had to abide her time at the moment to make certain they thought she was weak, unable to escape. She smiled to herself as she let her head drop, her hair forming a curtain around her face. Oh this would be fun.

   Astrid soon fell asleep actually, knowing she'd need to have enough energy to escape. That's when she was so rudely awoken. The iron door had been opened, not lightly too. There was an unconscious girl in the arms of two people, they chained her to the wall across from Astrid and left.

   This was interesting to her... But she knew then that she had to not only get herself out, but get this girl out as well. She was about the same age as her, pretty blonde hair though.

  The girl woke up with a start, looking around as her memories flooded back to her. A look of anger and disgust flooded her features but then she looked to Astrid. Her features seemed to lighten at the scene of another captive, at least she had some company.

   The girl yanked at the chains holding her down, but stopped soon after. She was angry as she growled. These chains were not something she enjoyed.

   "I've already tried that. I took time to scout the room as well. This place isn't bugged or setup with video cameras. Fools," Astrid hissed out her distaste. And it was true, they were free to speak.

  The girl sighed and nodded, looking off as in to search for a way of escape. Astrid smiled to herself before looking at the girl more closely. She was taken aback slightly as she seemed to recognize the girl.

New character! Looks like they both got captured, what do you think the reason is? Sorry I left you on a cliffhanger, but I'm at my word limit for now and it's really late. I didn't even realize I hit 1000 words. I just let my fingers type whatever. AUTHOR MODE ACTIVATE! I won't be able to upload this tonight, it's too late and wifi shuts off at 10. And my data has been switched off too so BLEH! Anyways, hope you had a good day my kitties!

The story of Astrid WingfieldWhere stories live. Discover now