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Astrid looked at the girl chained opposite her. This capture was no mere coincidence. Somehow these people must've found out about her being a daughter of Artemis so soon... She snarled and ripped at her own chains, blinded in fury.

   The girl looked up at her and shook her head, still groggy obviously. She'd have to wake up soon, then they can plot an escape.

   Astrid looked down her boot, the sheath of her usual dagger empty. No. She nudged her shoulder wing armor up slightly, where her secret dagger was held. Gone. No... She used her foot and rolled up her pant leg to her knee, the dagger on her calf also missing. This is just great. She scowled and rolled her pant leg back down.

   A few minutes later, the girl across from her snapped awake. She took in her surroundings quickly and yanked at her chains.

   "I've already tried that. Trust me, it's not gonna work, sister," Astrid said with a sigh. And it was true. While she went around the camp, she met this girl. Artemis had introduced her as her half sister, Kitty.

   Kitty took note of Astrid and started to look for her own weapons, they were all missing. She bit her bottom lip quietly, thinking.

   After a while, Astrid sighed and again looked at Kitty, "Look. I know what I have to do to get at least one hand out of chains. It's not going to be pretty, and I advise you to look away." She spoke with a casual coolness, not entirely liking her idea, but knowing it was entirely necessary.

   Kitty did as she suggested, turning her head. Astrid took a deep breath and maneuvered her arm so it was stretched at an angle behind her. She moved her thumb, applied pressure, and bit back a scream as she dislocated and broke her thumb. It was a disgusting, bloody mess. But her hand was more loose, she could get free. She wriggled her hand out and let it drop to the floor, sweat beading her brow as she hung there for a moment.

   Astrid shook her head and grabbed the sharpened hair pin that she kept in her hair just in case. It was the same shade as her hair, so it was quite easy to miss. She fumbled with the lock on her cuff until the lock clicked, and her other hand was free.

   Kitty stared at Astrid as she painfully put the bone back into place in her hand. Astrid rushed up to her side and quickly unlocked her chains, Kitty dropping to the floor in a somewhat lethal grace.

   "Glad to have you as a sister," Kitty laughed at Astrid.

   "You're not that bad yourself," Astrid replied as she slipped the hair pin back into place, gliding along the wall towards the door. She looked like a dark wraith, that graceful but deadly way that she moved. She reached the door and tested the handle with a gentle push. It was unlocked.

   Idiots. Astrid snickered in her mind and she opened the door, slinking through a dark hall.

Kitty followed closely behind her, their eyes adjusting to the dark quickly. They stepped through the hall, occasionally hearing talking. They made sure to avoid any doors that had talking, just to be safe.

That's when a hand darted out of the dark and snatched Astrid's hair, pulling her back. She saw the rag coming towards her face, but she wouldn't let it get her this time. Nuh uh.

She stepped on her attackers foot and whirled around, tackling him effectively and efficiently. She gave him a serpents smile, then hit him on the side of the neck. She knocked him out cold. That's what you get. Fools. She spat at them in her mind.

She ran up to Kitty, tapping on her shoulder and whispering in her ear, "Hey, we gotta be careful. They might be aware of our presence. See anyone, attack them." She gave the orders like a commander. She earned a nod from Kitty.

They walked a bit more and ended up at a door. The door had light fading into it, so they ducked into the shadows to avoid detection.

Astrid put a finger to her lips and stiffened as she heard voices outside the door. They won't know what hit them. She thought to herself as she ducked in front of the door and grabbed hold of the handle.

She threw the door open and attacked the nearest guard. He struggled as her knees held his arms. She gave him that smile of hers, that smile that told him that she had a heart of stone. Ice. No mercy.

She knocked him out instead, and before she could, he gave out a yell. The others were alerted then...

She turned to see Kitty had knocked out the other guard. She gave her an appreciative smile. Their heads snapped towards the door when they heard footsteps. More idiots... Great. Astrid thought to herself. They stood up in flash and bolted out the door.

   Sunlight shone on Astrid as her and Kitty made a mad dash for the direction that seemed to be camp. They were underground for longer than they had expected. They continued running, their surroundings a blur around them.

    They finally stopped, panting heavily. Sweat dripped down their foreheads as they leaned against trees to catch their breath.

   "I... Think... We... Lost... Them," Kitty gasps out. She earned a nod from Astrid. They stood there for a couple seconds more and then suddenly, a crossbow bolt sailed right past Astrid's head.

    6 people ran straight at them. Astrid grabbed the bolt that was embedded into the tree and cut down the 2 of the men who tried attacking her. She heard the fall of bodies as she wrestled with the last man. She stabbed him in the neck with the bolt and stood up just in time to see a dagger sail towards Kitty's throat.

Hope you like it! Took me a while to write. Hehe... Cliffhanger :3 ANYWAY. It will all be much better once the next chapter comes out... I think you'll like it.

The story of Astrid WingfieldWhere stories live. Discover now