Change Is To Be Feared... Or Is It?

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   Eventually Astrid did change out of her armor, but not for some stupid dress. She kept her armor on display in her room, a quick grab if need be. She wasn't exactly all too excited to change out of it, but she knew Erin had to suffer with this devil woman for longer. So she changed into a casual black top that was frilly. She also wore some black jeans that were just above her ankles. Sure, she looked nice. But past that pretty, young girl was a shattered and torn soul. You could say she was like a broken kaleidoscope.

   Astrid was sitting in her room, tracing a dagger across her finger, blood traveling down it slowly. It was morbidly pretty, the sight of the blood pouring slowly over her skin and trickling down to the underside of her finger.

   That's when her aunt came into the room and screamed, grabbing her hand. "What do you think you're doing?! You shouldn't be harming yourself!" She shouted angrily. She looked like she was going to faint at the state of her finger.

   Astrid thought it was funny though. She smiled at her aunt and shook her head, chuckling. "Aunt Amelia, I'm fine. It doesn't hurt." She stated simply, standing up and walking out of her room.

   She left her aunt there, she may have provided a home for her, but that didn't mean she was her own free spirit.

   Astrid walked outside, past Erin's room in which she could hear the blasting of rock music. Erin was an odd girl... She seemed like she was so quiet... Yet she was deadly in some way. Astrid had yet to understand her entirely, but she did enjoy spending time with her. Erin understood. She lost her father- No. It's best not to talk about fathers... Astrid's heart clenched when she thought of him.

    Astrid walked down the neighborhood, glaring at anyone who dared look at her. She was the girl on the block that everyone practically feared. She was a swirling death cloud. She was a force not meant to be trifled with.

    She started to walk down an alley way, that's when she was suddenly pinned to a brick wall.

   She looked up, no sense of fear at all in her eyes. There stood a boy, probably a few years older than her. Yes it was true, she turned 13 not too long ago. Those 5 years of her life were just filled with people fearing her.

    She quickly took assessment of the situation. She obviously had the upper hand, even though there was only one of her, five boys in total. She had her daggers, but she wanted to play the innocent maiden for once. It was odd. Like a tiger playing with its prey before it pounced.

    "You're in our alley, Princess." The boy who had her pinned to the wall said. He traced a finger along her jaw.

    No fighting first? Astrid decided it wasn't worth it. "Oh really now? Oh I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to stumble upon your horrid abode." She made a pouting face, pushing out her lower lip. That's when she smiled.

   She swept a kick right into his side. It was hard enough that you could hear the bones cracking from his rib cage. He'd live.

    They boy immediately released her, falling to the ground. He howled in pain. For such a shattered girl, it was music to her ears. Her eyes gleamed as the other boys sought to attack her. One sent a punch flying towards her face. She merely ducked, punching him in the stomach and then grabbing his arm. She lithely judo flipped him as a smile tugged at her lips. She was enjoying the pain she was causing to these idiots.

   The other came at her as well. Sloppy form. She thought as she ducked. But she soon realized they really weren't worth it, and she just sauntered away. But really, the idiot had to come after her again.

    She snapped and grabbed him, her lip curling up into a snarl. She grabbed him and sent him flying into the other boys, putting them all into a nice pile.

   "That should teach you to mess with me next time. You own nothing. I roam where I want. And don't forget it." She snapped at them, turning away. She swaggered over to the end of the alley, when she stopped. She didn't even turn, but glances back out of the corner of her eye. "Oh, and make sure to tell all of your other friends this. Astrid Wingfield is in town. And she doesn't like to be around idiots unworthy of her time." She hissed. Oh how it felt good to be queen.

   She yawned and walked away, looking throughout town. She put two fingers in her mouth and made a shrill whistle.

    Glint landed next to her in an elegant fashion after a few minutes.

   "Goodness Glint. We'll have to work on your timing." She stated simply before petting his wing. He lifted it and wrapped it around her shoulders. It was great to have a friend. What people saw is someone to avoid... Someone to be feared... But really, she was the one afraid. She was afraid of a lot of things. She had many weaknesses.

    She was afraid of change.

Hey guys! Sorry for the little wait on the new chapter. Yes, I know it's shorter than the others I write. But if you write stories, you'll know they take time and effort. I want to thank those of you who actually read the story and are keeping up with the chapters. I know most of you will skip through my little author's note, but HEY! I took time to write this. Kinda. I'm just typing words down at a very fast rate on a little screen. BUT THANK YOU ALL OF MY LITTLE KITTIES FOR READING! That's what I'm gonna call you guys. My little kitties. Yeah. AWESOME! High five! *high fives everyone* alrighty, Bye bye!

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