Chapter 2

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Malak's Pov:
I woke up with a headache. I barely slept and all that was on my mind was y/n. I really fucked up this time and I can't fix it now. They're already gone and won't ever come back. I'm just so mad at myself. Y/n and kehlani love me so much but I just have to do some dumb shit. My anger has gotten worse and sometimes I take it all out on her. She doesn't deserve any of the things that I have put her through and she most definitely doesn't deserve for me to put my hands on her. I've hurt her so bad and now I've ruined our family. What the fuck is wrong with me? I just can't keep my dick in my pants. Not one of the girls that I fucked is better than y/n but yet I still continue to cheat. Maybe they do need to stay away. I miss my daughter so much...but maybe she needs a more responsible and a better roll model.

Your Pov:
I woke up and I checked the was 10:00 and kehlani was still sleeping. I got up to do my hygiene and got dressed. Then woke kehlani up.

You: Lani... *shakes her*
Kehlani: hm?
You: Time to get up so we can get breakfast.
Kehlani: but mommy I'm still tired. *she whined*
You: So you're not hungry ?
Kehlani: I am *she got up*
You: Come on.

I helped her do her hygiene and got her dressed. We then left out and went to go get breakfast. We were eating at Denny's when my phone was ringing. Surprisingly it wasn't was his mom Maria. I answered.

Maria: Y/n oh my gosh where are you? Where's Lani?
You: We're far away from California right now.
Maria: Why in the hell are you there?
You: I just needed to clear my head and...get away from Malak.
Maria: Why? What'd he do this time?
You: Malak....hit me and cheated more than once.
Maria: HE WHAT?!
You: ..yeah he did that.
Maria: Ohh I am gonna kick his ass. Was kehlani ever around all of this?
You: ....yes
Maria: Yup I'm going to kill him!
You: ....don't be mad at's not his fault..I'm just not good enough for him.
Maria: Listen to me young are more than good enough for my son. You're so beautiful and smart and I really think that you are the best for him. You've been together...I mean were together for about 5 years now and I don't that this is the end honey.
You: But I do think this is the end. I'm tired of getting hurt by him. We love him so much but he obviously doesn't care.
Maria: I know it seems that way but he really loves you and kehlani so much.
You: I just do t want to see him again. And I do t want kehlani around him either.
Maria: Y/n you can't take her away from her father.
You: I know and I don't want to but it's for the best.
Maria: What ever you say. Can I talk to her?
You: Yeah...Kehlani grandmas on the phone.
Kehlani: *takes phone* Hi gamma.
Maria: Hi baby how are you.
Kehlani: Good but I miss daddy.
Maria: I know and daddy misses you too.
Kehlani: *puts down phone* mommy can I go see daddy?
Kehlani: please mommy I miss him. *she pouted*
You: *sighs* Kehlani maybe a different time.
Kehlani: *sighs* okay mommy .
You: Let me speak to grandma.
Maria: Hello?
You: You can come get kehlani in a week or so but I'm staying. I called her school and told them that she would be out for a while.
Maria: Okay I will. I wish you would come too.
You: I can't...
Maria: *sighs* Okay honey I'll pick kehlani up next week.
You: Okay love you momma.
Maria: love you too baby. Bye Lani.
Kehlani: Bye gamma.

I hung up with Malak's mom and we finished eating. We then started to drive around a little and kehlani just looked out the window. I called her name and she looked at me. God she looks like Malak. Every time I look at her I see him. She's so beautiful and precious. "What mommy" she asked and I asked her what was the matter. "Mommy I just wanna go home...with daddy. I don't want to stay here" she said. "Kehlani...why don't you want to stay with mommy" I asked. "Cause I love daddy" she cried. I can't keep her away from her father. Im being such a bad mother by doing this to her. She loves him so much and being away from him just tears us apart. "Grandmas going to come get you and take you back to daddy next week" I sighed. "Yay we going back with daddy" she cheered. "No baby....mommy is going to stay" I said. "But why mommy. We are supposed to be a big happy family" she whined. "I know baby but I need to be alone okay. I'll call you everyday I promise" I explained. She continued to cry and I felt so horrible. She probably hates me. I don't want to be hurt by Malak again so I'm not going back.

Differences: Sequel to The Malak and Y/N StoryWhere stories live. Discover now