Chapter Eleven

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Perfection was not even good enough to describe how being with him feels. No words could describe, it was just unknown. Mysterious, like he was. I was sitting on the couch at Mishel's house and she asked me if we were together, again. This time I nodded and she bounced out of her chair and freaked. "Oh, happy times, we need to drink to this." She said and ran into her kitchen. She came out with two shot glasses and poured. "Cheers." She said and then swallowed her shot, I did the same. It burned the back of my throat like it always does. "Tell. Me. Everything." She said and I shrugged. "There's nothing to tell." I said and she sighed. "There has to be some kind of story." She was trying to push it out of me, but nothing came out. There was nothing to say, besides it happened. "Fine, don't tell me." She said and turned on the TV. "Scooby Doo?" She asked and I nodded. We ordered pizza, during the movie and talked about other things. "Why did you move here?" She asked. "My mom got a promotion." I said and she kept questioning. "When did you realize you like Carter?" And I shrugged. "I saw him, the minute I pulled into the driveway and I thought he was cute. Way out of my league." I said honestly and she laughed. "You guys are cute, honestly." She says and I smile. He was too good for me, I thought. He was mysterious and everyone wanted him. I was just the girl who was named after a flower, that isn't Rose. It was around 6pm when I left. I started to feel a bit weird, so I headed back. Carter was on his porch when I pulled into my driveway. He was reading and didn't notice me, until I closed my car door. He jumped up. "Hey!" He screamed to me and I waved. "Wait, Vi." He said and ran towards me. "What's up?" I asked and he just shrugged. "Nothing, where were you?" He asked and I just shrugged too. "Nowhere really." I said sparing him the details of Mishel's house. "I was thinking we could have a movie night?" He said and I felt my stomach turn, it was all the food I ate and drinking I had done earlier. "Vi, are you okay?" He asked and I wanted to roll my eyes, that question always pissed me off. Then it happened. I threw up, before I could stop myself. Carter jumped back and groaned. "What the fuck!" He yelled and I started crying. "I'm sorry. I have to go." I said and stumbled into my house and up the stairs. I could hear him behind me but I locked the bathroom door and sat on the floor. This was the end, it was only the beginning. He is too good. And I'm still the same old me. "Vi, please open." He begged and I wondered where my mom was. Probably working late or with Marilyn. I was just a thought to her. If that, she's too busy for me. "I can't." I mumbled and laid my head on the door. "Vi, please." He said and I sobbed. "What's wrong?" He asked and I just cried and cried. At one point he stopped begging. I thought he had left, but when I opened the door, he was sitting there. "Hey." I said lamely. Still barely able to stand. He was holding a pair of pajamas. "Here." He said and handed me the shorts and tshirt. "I'd shower." He said and I groaned. "Or take a bath." He suggested and I went back into the bathroom. "Wait!" He said before I tried to slam the door. "I adore you." He said and I shut the door before running water. "I adore you too." I mumbled as I stepped in the tub. Slowly, cleaning off all the disgust on my body. Thinking of how terrible I was inside.

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